Dear Love,

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Dear Love,

I have yet to experience you, though I have heard many things about you. I see people, many people that look like they could be you. But love, I'm scared they aren't you. And I am not you to them either, Love. Love, why be so cruel? Spoil so many and leave so many on the hunt, and when they find you... they don't see me?

Oh, Love. What is there to say about you? So much has been said. So much good, so much bad, so many myths... 

Love, you act as if there is only one of you. You act as if everyone deserves you and should cherish you. And if they are lucky enough to have you, they should. Oh love, everyone desires to experience you. 

But love, you have got us all fooled.

You created an alternate identity that everyone sees in movies and in novels, that's the love we want to be involved in. Oh love, everyone has a bad side and you keep yours well hidden.

You're so desired on the outside, you are always making us want more when their are people who already love us, love. You make it clear that their is a difference in a romance love and a normal relationship love, and you make our focus the complicated one.

Oh my love, you need to find a more unique form because everyone seems to impersonate you and take advantage of one another. We all end up hurt just to find you, some people to scared of being hurt they refuse you. Although, I can't help but believe that was your original plan because you seem to like to be the center of attention.

Love, you make mistakes just as we do. You mislead us just as we dream may not happen to us. Love, you always play the victim, you make us take the guilt and admit to something we never did just because we want you so badly. But love... of course we still want you and you know that.

Your impersonators seem to hide in everyone around us because you know a naive human would believe everyone has the possibility of being my love, and you know I'll fall for it again and again once I join the cycle you have created.

And love, though i am aware of your mischievous plans, i will still fall for it every time because i still desire the false feeling of love you planted in my mind from day one.

and love realizes everyone is different and finds the weak spots to those people that want to be loved, and even those that don't.

I have read a lot about you today, and many of us choose to see the good side to you... when you come with more than just a bad, manipulative side.

So do us all a favor and please come to those who deserve you.

Thank you love!

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