Chapter One - Before It All Turned Pear-Shaped

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The first thing I saw as I walked down the corridor was groups of giggling girls, at nearly every corner, pointing and whispering. As the newly elected student president, I didn't know what to do. I mean, what could I do? Technically speaking, people weren't supposed to loiter in the hallway, but there were so many girls! At second glance, they were all around my classroom! This was bad. There were a bunch of them in the doorway, how was I supposed to get in? In case you haven't guessed I'm pretty bad around girls. I'm fine from a distance or with the ones I know (or else how else could I be student president) but I get really nervous around groups of them. And what was surrounding me? Groups and groups and groups of giggling girls. Just as I was about to give up hope, I heard my saviour call out from behind.

"Oscar! There you are! I was looking for you!" Yeah, that's Kara. My crazy, loud and energetic friend since our first day of day care. I turned around and sighed with relief. She must have seen that, as her smile grew even bigger.

"I see I was just in time student pres.? For once your on time for class!" Kara came up and high fived me. This was our tradition from the first day at Asta Academy for the talented and gifted. Asta means 'Bright Stars' in Latin. To get into this school you have to be REALLY good at something. Kara's talent is archery. That girl never misses. Ever. My talent is strategic thinking. Some people here are like Kara and I, in other words normal students. Some other people though are here on scholarships. This means they don't have a definite skill set, but are here anyway. These students are normally the daughters and sons of famous and rich people. But back to the present. Kara pushed past me and tapped one of the girls on the shoulder.

"Sorry, but could you please move? We need to enter the classroom." Kara was polite but firm. The girls moved and we finally entered.

"Must be first years," Kara muttered. "Only first years would get so excited over class status." Oh yeah, I forget to say. Our class is top in the school. Asta Academy 'strives to help every student reach their full potential' and to do that they have class rankings. The higher you're ranked, the bigger and better the rewards. And it's not just academic. Every year there is a full school tournament. The top in each event gets to be a part of class A. All of the people in class A have been there since their first day. Which was three years ago. This is our last year at Asta Academy, which means the pressures higher than ever. And some of us are already feeling it. I certainly am. 

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