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Paradise by, Shaylah Garcia

She's just a girl. Who's in ninth grade.

Sitting in a lighted room,

Watching cartoons.

She watches the door open.

It's her brown-eyed mother.

She smiles, "I'm going to cook dinner".

The girl nods. A couple moment's later.

The door opens again... It's her father.

He walks in with a grin.

The girl looks away.

Watching Cartoons.

He walks away towards the dark room, the one mother doesn't dare to enter.

The girl know's.

She knows what that dark room bring's.

It brings Darkness & Despair & things that normal people don't dare of bringing.

Hours later the father comes out.

He's moaning & groaning & going on about something that happened at work,

He walks past the girl....

To her Mother.

Moans and groans go by,

Now there's yelling & screaming & crying & whining.

The girl just sits, and listens.

Watching Cartoons.

Her young brother comes out his room to her, hearing the noises.

She comforts him, covering his 6th grade small ears.

To ignore the snapping, the screaming the crying, the shouting.

The brother's asleep.

She carries him to his room, closes the door, and comes back.

She hears each word!

Each sentence!

Each paragraph!

Coming out of her parents throats that is ripping her mind to pieces.

She walks to her room.

Past each echoing of words.

Bouncing off each wall, each corner, each craves.

Until finally she enters her room.

She locks the door, daring one to open.

She bangs her head on the wall, on the floor, on the table.

Until finally the room goes dark.

She sleeps.

She dreams of dreams that kids her age would only understand!

She dreams of...


Until the beautiful dream, becomes a horrid nightmare.

Banging on her mind to let it enter. *bang!* *bang!*

She wakes up, she's still on the floor.

She get's up, still hearing the cries, and whines of her mother.

And, the slips, and slurps of her father.

She sighs.

She goes to her brother.

He's up. She says, "Come on".

He follows. She grabs a bag, putting things inside that they will need for...


The windows mouth opens wide.

She climbs out the window.

"Come on", the brother follows.

They run. The run, and run, and run, until the brother can no longer run.

But, she picks him up, and keeps going!

Running like there's no tomorrow.

Running, and running.

Until they finally reach it....


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