Chapter 1: The beginning of the dessert...

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Three friends entered the kitchen of there flat planning to create a dessert for later. But when Lucas heard that whipped cream was involved he had other things in mind what he wanted to do with the cream of course. As Theia went to the fridge where the recipe required two whipped cream cans, *grabbed the two cans out of the fridge and placed them on the bench* . As soon as the cream cans hit the surface of the bench Lucas came running *taking the shirt of slowly he as heading towards the cream* as Lucas was embarrassed by his upper figure showing his chest area but Eva and Theia weren't worried about his figure but just the idea that him taking off a piece of clothing.

All of a sudden Lucas through the lids off the whipped cream cans.... Both Theia and Eva worried what his plan was to do next... But it was to late even to think of what he was going to do.

Lucas lifted the two whipped cream cans to nipples and placing one finger on both can relieved the whipped cream covering every surface with whipped cream. Suddenly the cans were running out and Lucas said "We must go to the store to get more".

As soon Lucas reached the store instantly running through every row with the trolley of the store and found the big refrigerator with the whipped cream throwing in twenty cans of whipped cream. Rushing to the counter and as Lucas placed them on the counter as the checkout lay was puzzled by the amounts of whipped cream cans being placed. Coming to a total of $50.00 dollars of whipped cream. Placed the cream cans placed background into the trolley and not caring about taking the trolley home knowing that Lucas would be back for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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