Visions of the Blind

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I was there when Trump summoned the wall. We all thought he would build it. We were wrong.

He rode in on his golden chariot, the sun blazing a halo about his mighty frame. His golden sword raised as he settled to the earth on the border. Hordes of foul demons amassed to oppose him. As he faced them they leaped into the pitch black river turning it into a writhing mass of rapists and murderers.

He stepped calmly down keeping his mighty flaming blade "Liberty" raised high. It's light burned the demons, but their hunger for welfare and American jobs was too great.

There was no hate in his eyes when he slammed Liberty into the soft earth. There was a profound sadness for the plight of these once proud people. If it were on any mortal face I would have thought I saw a tear, but God Emperors have not a single tear to shed for duties that need to be done.

Fire blazed a wall in both directions for as far as the eye could see, blinding in it's purity. A chorus of eagles deafened me as the demons were blown back by the sheer brilliance and righteous heat.

It grew brighter and brighter until mortal eyes could bear to look no longer and I found my face in my palms for fear the light would boil me for my sins.

A strong hand rested upon my shoulder.

"Behold the beauty of our God Emperors labors." I opened my eyes, Saint Mattis and his reassuring grip washing my fear from me. I looked up, and up, and up so high I almost fell over, but could not see the top of his mighty golden wall.

In awe my gaze dropped to the God Emperor. For a moment I thought he saw me, but I know his benevolent gaze was too great for a sinner such as I. No his gaze fell upon the river.

Only now did I realize, we were on the wrong side of the mighty barrier. In a panic I turned and searched the river for the mass of corruption but found none. Instead it sparkled like the purest diamonds and was so clear I could easily count the rocks of its bed.

My eyes lifted to the gathering place of the horde, and to my surprise they too were purified. Confused hope mixed with awe in their eyes.

Our God Emperor smiled briefly before raising Liberty once more. My heart skipped, in my ignorance I feared he would smite them. Instead he turned, and with a mighty swing cleaved his own creation in two.

There was no jagged cut or crack though, instead the wound was a beautiful golden gate, as intricate as the stars are vast, and twice again as beautiful. He pushed the mighty gates open before mounting his golden chariot. Rising swiftly with a wave of his mighty hand he added his brilliance and fire to the sunlit sky.

Saint Mattis, in turn, mounted his mighty war Pegasus "Lejeune" and smiled down at me. He took to the sky to follow our Savior a flock of bald eagles in his wake.

I watched in awe as the men and women began to move through the gates. Not rapists or murderers, for the God Emperors glory had purged them, but doctors, workers, and future citizens. Even now I weep to think of his mercy and might.

I was there, and though I am now blind, I still see it all so clearly.

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