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I'm Avangeline  Rose Johnson, but I prefer Ava, just Ava.

I'm just average , an average girl. I have divorced parents , a brother with autism and well that's it...im not very interesting .

I hate school. Although basically everyone   says that , but when I say it..... I mean it , I  HATE school . The dreary lessons about Albert Einstein and 7 laps of the football pitch I can deal with , but I get bullied . Most girls at 15 get bullied by girls , bitchy ones that make fun of your weight , height and looks. I get bullied by a boy , not only a boy , a boy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair .....my crush ...my crush since year four.

Too be honest, I have no clue why he bullies me .  It may be because I'm venerable and have anxiety ....but he doesn't know that .

I have two friends Erica and Lottie , we became friends at the start of year seven, we were scared , new and had little friends. As outsiders we became friends. We are  inseparable.



Goes my alarm clock , another day at school . Great .

I pull on my uniform , wash my face , brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a messy bun . I put some concealer and lip balm on . I head down stairs to find all of the lights turned off. Great .. everyones still asleep .

I grab a breakfast bar and head out of the door, I decide to be early so I can have some time alone.

I plug my headphones into my ears and start listening to fifth harmony. Interrupting my peace comes Georgia  Kintbury , probably the most popular girl in the school and Noahs ex.

"heeyyyyyyy Avangeline , whatever the hell the rest of you name is"

"its Ava " I reply

she rolled her blue eyes and flicked her bleached blonde hair .
"so your hair looks pretty today" Georgia says

" ok Georgia what do you want from me"

"i dont want any-"

"just cut to the chase"

"ugh fine , pleasseee  can you teach me that dance you did last week"

"What dance..?" I say quietly .

sugaarr, shes found out.  That's a secret for me not anyone espically Georgia ...Yes I know its cool that I can dance but I don't want to be one of those people who show off.

"must of been the wrong person then" Georgia says bluntly.

I smile and carry on listening to music. After what seems like forever Lottie and Erica finally come.

"hi" Lottie says quietly.

"hey" Erica whispers.

although were best friends I still find it awkward being with them.

Breaking our silence comes the rustling noise of metal ....and thats our bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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