Just a Kiss Goodnight

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And yet another story! :D Thank you to all of y'all who are reading/ supporting/ anything

else that's helpful to my stories! I love y'all! This first part, will be like an intro of sorts,

for those of you who were wondering... :) Well, here we go!

P.S. - I'm sorry that I accidentally hit the "save & publish" button :/ so y'all are just going

to have to read along as I save it :/ SORRY! But if you  fan me, I will be sending out

messages on when I've just updated... So if you want to make your life easier... yea... :P




Isabelle Mays felt like a nobody. When she turned 17, she definitely knew it. In fact, that's

what other people called her! But, academically, her grades were perfect 100's every

semester. She was what most people would call a "goody-too-shoes."

Until, that is, when her art teacher assigns her the school, player - which she referred to as

the jerk - as her partner. The assignment was quick and simple, a self-portrait of one another.

Easy enough right? Well, no it wasn't. It was very, distracting for Isabelle. But who knew that,

Adam Carter, the player, had a secret crush on her! The only problem is... neither of them

knew, so they went on being just partners for the art project they were assigned in the first


But who knew that their partnership would turn into friedship?

Will they take it to the next level?

Will they ever finish their project?

Will they fall madly in love?

Follow Isabelle & Adam through their journey in "Just a Kiss Goodnight" by JasmineRawrs!


Ok guys, sorry for the accidental posting, thanks to anyone who faned voted or

commented! Hugs & Kisses for all! XOXOXO <3 






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