Arbor's Despair

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The world that we know was created, when the world that was before it ended in total darkness.

The eerie silence dripped with sadness, the old earth was preening for attention. It thirsted for noise, for life.

The earth, Arbor, cried out tears that soaked into the ground. Those tears became the sea and what arose from it amazed Arbor. Two, utterly naked but beautiful beings walked out of the water. Arbor named her children Laelia and Lucius.

Lucius and Laelia gave Arbor companionship; they would chatter for days in utter darkness. Eventually, Lucius grew tired of the black and grey that swarmed his vision so he created the Sun. He made sure the Sun was a good distance so that it could grow life instead of being inhospitable to it.

When he could finally see, his eyes held those of his sisters that were in direct opposition of his. Laelia was a dark beauty that contrasted his pale blue, and her hair was the color of a raven's wing while his was that of straw. He was in awe.

Lucius was so enraptured by Laelias' beauty that they coupled under the sun and were blessed by Arbor in their unity.

Laelia was fond of the night sky and beckoned the galaxy to encompass her world. She designed a great rock made out of stone that Arbor called "Basalt" and then she threw it in the sky and it hung when the Sun's placement was on the other side of the world. With the shining, rock hanging from the sky, Lucius decided to create little fireworks that he called stars, and littered them across the galaxy to remind her of his love.

Their love gave life to their four children, Haven, Cato, Ophelia and Aquarius.

Haven, the oldest child, never cried when she was born. She grew up very wise but very quiet which was completely opposite of her twin brother Cato who was very loud and war-like. Haven became known as the "Great Oracle" to the people of Arbor because of the prophecies and wisdom she held. She made the heavens for her family but lived on arbor because she saw a vision of people! People who would need her guidance to live on for generations.

Ophelia, the younger sister, was very superficial. She believed that her beauty made up for immoral views of marriage and her bad personality. She was careless, indecisive and fake. She knew little about love even though she grew up with two beings who couldn't stay away from each other. She stood for everything that the God's hated, well besides her brother Cato. She became known as the Goddess of Facade and beauty.

When she and her brother Cato grew older, they made themselves believe that their marriage could last when it was only built on shallow feelings. They demanded their parents to bless their union but their love was chichi and artificial that even their parents saw through it. They got married anyway.

Cato always fought with his brother, Aquarius. They were two sides of the same coin, Aquarius being (most of the time) the calm and grounded brother but easily angered like Cato.

Aquarius grew to adore the sea, he swam in it's depths every day and even asked Arbor the secret to create ocean life when he saw the utter nakedness of the ocean floor.

Arbor told him that her tears mixed with chloroplast will make plants. With Arbor's advice, he created all different types of seaweed, kelp, sea grass, coral and algae.

Arbor then told him that the Clay that was found in her womb could be shaped to make the animals of his choice. He entertained her idea and made dolphin's, whales, manatees, and fish.

With ocean life growing every day, he built an underwater castle that he named Hydros.

Cato on the other hand, hated living on earth. He desired his own kingdom and decided that he would live in the Heavens that his sister built. The heavens rested upon Arbor, on top of the Galaxy and breached the borders of the unknown. Cato was known today as the Great and Powerful 'Sky God'. He controlled the rainbow after the thunderstorm but also the disasters that came with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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