Chapter 1

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Scott was pretty nervous .Fuck,how did he got into the damn team?(oh right ,stealing the suit and doing heroic shit .How did he kept forgetting ?)He still thought it was all a big dream ,because how the hell was all of it possible ?

So far,stuff had gone normally .Seeing the place ,training a bit,meeting most of the team members(although he still hadn't to meet the one with arrows,Legolas or something like that .)Things were going far better than he had expected .

Until he did meet Legolas.Wait,turns out his name is Hawkeye .Eh,pretty close .

"So you're the new guy ?"Hawkeye asked,looking at him.

"No,I'm simply your new exterminator .Of course I am!"Scott answered.He then looked to the guy .Damn ,he was quite hot .Not that he was going to tell him.

"Huh,can't believe they lowered the standard ."Clint commented ."Aren't you a bit small to be in the avengers ?"he let Scott's hair and chuckled .Scott wasn't amused .

"I'm not that small!And also,why would they let a Legolas copy cat join the team?.Speaking about low standards "No way he was going to let the guy insult him and not defend himself.

"Oh easy darling ."Clint smiled.He loved to tease new team members."Don't get so angry .Although I gotta admit that you look cuter in that way "he winked.

Scott tried not to blush ."Are you seriously trying to flirt with me?"he asked a bit annoyed .Not that would matter ,but he had to seem less easy.

"Possibly "Clint answered and smiled "Why,dont most people flirt with a guy that has 'Ant 'on the name ?"He kissed Scott's cheek to .

Scott did end up blushing and felt really embarrassed " Eh,well...."God,the guy would be a real pain in his ass.

"Aww,did the bugs ate your tongue,princess ?"he teased.After those words,he was suddenly covered in ants.

"Nope,but I could tell this guys to eat yours ."Scott waited until Clint was close to panic to call back the ants .He then decided to leave before any other avenger came .

"That princess is surely fierce "Clint mumbled ,and he tried to see if there was any ant left on his body.This guy and him would either end up marrying or killing each other .

Meeting Lego...I mean Hawkeye Where stories live. Discover now