Knight Rider Fan Fiction: Michael and Bonnie: STOP!

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  • Dedicated to Glen A. Larson

Angsty Short Fiction

"Michael, wait" the mechanic whined frantically pleading to him to stop. The sound of K.I.T.T.'s driver's side door popping open made her rush defensively to the passenger door.

"If you think I am going to let you storm out of here alone, you are wrong!" Bonnie called, icily to her co-worker as she opened the door. This caught Michael's attention very quickly. For a moment, their eyes locked on one another.

"Bon, believe me you don't want to come along!" Michael answered the very air of frustration came spilling from his tongue.

Bonnie's turquoise eyes twinkled rebelliously. Again she reiterated, "I'm coming with you!" To make it perfectly clear to Michael that she was not joking, the brunette settled into K.I.T.T.'s nice cushiony seat, buckled up, and shut her door.

The male co-worker paused before his door and allowed his muscular arm to rest upon K.I.T.T.'s slick door frame as he glared at Bonnie. Michael chided, "Bonnie, I think you need to get out."

The mechanic narrowed her eyes at him and retorted, "like hell Michael. I'm coming along. I don't care what you say, I'm not letting you face this threat alone.

Straightening to his full height the Michael realized he wasn't going to win this one and with a sigh, he clambered into his seat. "If anything happens to you Bon...."

Bonnie interrupted, "Michael? Just drive, okay?" The brunette was becoming tired of his over protectiveness and then his unwillingness to accept help for himself. Crossing her arms over her chest she watched the world pass by her window in a rapid series of blurs.

In the meantime, Michael nervously steered the black-top down the road. Occasionally, he stole glances over at his companion. He had angered her unintentionally. He fumbled for ways to apologize and finding himself at a loss for words.

"Bon?" He choked.

Bonnie's eyes slowly edged toward's Michael's "yes, Michael?" She asked trying to keep her temper in check. Unfolding her arms she began to play with some loose strands of her hair to avoid creating further awkwardness.

"I...I'm real sorry.Will yah forgive me?" He asked shooting her a grand semi-smile. Then without warning he took her hand gently from her hair, and kept it tightly within his own between the seats.

Flustered the mechanic blushed as he took her hand and shot her the irresistible smile. "I ..... yes, Michael .... all is forgiven...for now anyways." She answered teasing lightly at the end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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