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I had a funny dream so I put it on paper and decided to post it as a potential first chapter for a short smutty series???? I'll continue posting if anyone is interested...If not I will keep it to my dream journal, so let me know! 


Chapter One

"I got a new project I want you on," he said.

"Rad, what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well I'm going to be directing a film, and you will be acting in it." he said point blank.

"No I'm not, I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before, you know I really don't like acting, cause it gets me all paranoid and I get too all in my head about it." I explained to him again, for what felt like the umpteenth time.

Funny enough, I had actually met Kevin through an acting gig. It was on his film "Jay and Silent Bob Go Canadian Eh?" They wanted to shoot in an actual Canadian high school and ended up coming to my school. Kevin wanted to preserve the "genuine Canadian essence" so he ended up casting actual students from the school.

Back then I was much more eager to perform, and auditioned for him and got a small role with a few lines throughout the film and a scene with Jason. I had fun at the time, and became good friends with Kevin on set, but just everything else that went along with it I wasn't into. Like the attention and praise from strangers made me uncomfortable and I hated watching myself. So that was the end of my acting career.

Kevin and I had stayed in touch ever since though, we would usually meet up whenever he was in Toronto.

"You had a blast before and you're good! I want to show the world what I know you have the potential to do!" he declared.

"You already did!" I reminded him.

"Yeah but nobody saw that one. And this is completely different, it's deeper, more intense, it's going to be hard to watch, it's like nothing I've ever done before,"

"Hard to watch? I thought you said it was going to be different from "Go Canadian'," I retorted. He laughed.

"This one is going to be good I swear, like Dogma good." He said to tempt me, very aware that Dogma is my favourite of his. Mostly because of a certain Metatron....but still a favourite nonetheless.

"I'm excited about it but I need you on board with this." he said.

"If it's going to be Dogma good than you will be able to get whoever you want for this!" I said which made him laugh again.

" I don't think you get it, you are my number one choice for this, I got it in my head while I was writing it and now I can't see anyone but you in this role." he declared. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"I'm serious!" he said.

"You flatter me too much Mr. Smith," I said with a Judy Garland-esque cadence.

"Fine, send me the script and I'll read it." I finally caved after a few long seconds of silence.

"Already did," he said smugly.

"I'll text you when I'm done." I promised.

"What are you going to read it all right now?" he asked surprised by my willingness.

"I've got nothing else to do today," I said truthfully. I had the day off from work at the store today. I had graduated University a couple of months ago and I was still just working part-time at a nearby drug store enjoying my time before I actually had to get a "real job".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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