"If Only You Knew."

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Dipper's (POV)

I was sitting there at the table in the living room, with Soos, Mabel, and my Grunkle Stan. We were playing pocker, awhile Wendy was away on a camping trip with her family. Even though I didn't look like it, I missed her, a lot. She is my best friend, and first crush in my young boy life. But unfortunately, I'm not the only one who likes Wendy. My train of thought was interrupted by Mabel as she laid her cards in the table.

"King me!" She smirked laying her cards down. She had a great hand and took all of the crackers we were using as poker chips. We all grunted in anger, because that was the eighteenth time she won! It was ridiculous! It wasn't long before Grunkle Stan spoke up.

"Unbelievable, she doesn't even know what we're playing!" He shouted.

"Go fish?" Mabel asked in her usual silly tone. I then heard what sounded like a guitar playing outside of the shack. It made the whole place shake.

"Dudes, I think that radio station in my head is ringing in my ears again." Soos pouts.

"Try blinking to see if you can change the channel." Mabel tells him. Soos blinks, but of course, nothing happened.

"Wendy!" Yelled a voice. I knew that voice all to well.

"Ugh! Sounds like Robbie." I groan under my breath. Grunkle Stan heard me and spoke up.

"Robbie? You mean that goth kid I see making goo goo eyes at Wendy all the time?" Soos then stepped in.

"He called me a big dude once. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt." Then Mabel joined in.

"Should I sick Waddles on him again?" She pets her pig. I shake my head, get out of my seat, and spoke up firm.

"I'll handle it." I then leave the shack to talk to skinny jeans. I make my way out of the shack, to see Robbie there strumming his guitar.

"Wendy! Come out side girl, come on now!" I cross my arms at him.

"You do realize that she's not here, right?"

"Pffft. Yes!" He paused.

"What?" He finished.

"She's out camping with her family today. And if you listened to her for once, you'd know that." I mumble the last part.

"What was that?" Robbie growled.

"I just said she's not here."

"No, no, no. You want to get into it? Let's get into it, kid. You think I don't know what's going on? It's obvious that you got a thing for my girlfriend, don't you, don't you?" He pushed. I blush in embarrassment and spoke up again.

"What? No man."

"Yeah, I'm sure she's just dying to ask out a twelve year old kid, that wears the exact same shorts everyday." He then pulls out his cell phone.

"Hey, here's an idea, why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go on a date with you?" I start to get nervous. If he tells Wendy that I love her, it could be all over for our friendship!

"Wait, Robbie don't!"

"Oh wait, please man!" He mocks.

"What are you gonna do?" He then hits the call button on his phone with Wendy's picture on it.

"Huh? What?" I panic, and slap the phone out of his hand. Causing the phone to hit the ground with a crash.

"My phone!" Robbie shouts.

"I-I'll buy you a new one!" I offer with a shutter. Robbie then gives me an angry look, and picks me up by my shirt.

"Oh no, you're not getting off that easy!" I start to sweat.

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