(martin garrix♡ fanfiction)

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it was finally the summer break and you were soo excited because you and your bestfriend caitlin were going to amsterdam with yours and hers family for the very first time! you texted caitlin saying:

ahh todays the day!! cant wait to see you. AMSTERDAM HERE WE COME! xxx

A few minutes later your phone buzzed and flashed and it was caitlin saying:

aw Grace your soo funny!! cant wait to see you too!! AMSTERDAM ARE YOU READY?! xx

You didnt bother replying instead you just went to have a shower, after you dried your hair you put your clothes on that you had layed out the night before because you were leaving today. You quickly got changed and you looked in the mirror to make sure you looked okay and you did for once!! You were wearing a pair on blue jeans,a super cute t-shirt that said "forget the past,wait for the future and live for today" and a nice jumper.

You jumped on your bed and texted caitlin to ask what she was wearing She replied with:

light blue denim jeans,a teil blue tank top and white converse,what bout you? xx

you replied with:

jeans,a nice top,a cute jumper and my maroon converse xxx

you didnt get a reply so you just checked that your suitcase had everything in it and that your carry on had everything too,you were staying in amsterdam for 4 weeks and the summer holidays are 6 weeks so you were absolutley buzzing!!

you ran downstairs and you grabbed a bowl and some cereal and ate it quickly because you had 5 minutes before the taxi was picking you up to go to the airport,you were meeting caitlin with her family at the airport.

The taxi finally came and you couldnt stop smiling because you were so excited!

"grace,your 17! act your age!" your mum whispered to you and you just laughed and said "i cant im so excited!" she smiled at you and then got in the taxi.

the taxi ride was only 20 minutes and it wasnt too bad,you get travel sick easily but this time you didnt feel anything because you were so happy you were going..especially with your BESTFRIEND!

your dream had finally come true that one day youd go on holiday with your bestfriend! you and caitlin had been planning this since you were both 13 and now your both 17.

when you saw caitlin you screamed "CAITLIN!!" and she screamed "GRACE!!" you hugged eachother and asked how you both were, your familys just greeted eachother and laughed and talked on the way to the check in desk,you handed on your suit cases and kept your carry on. your flight wasnt until 1 hour so you and caitlin went to starbucks and your mums and dads went to burger king.

**half an hour till your flight**

"ah fuck check the time,we better get going and find our mums and dads" you said and you both got up quickly to find them,they were outside hmv and you went to go board your flight.

when you got on you had the seat next to caitlin and she said "yes grace i tax the end seat,i hate window seats" "yes caitlin i know that,i"ll have the window seat" you both laughed and then you talked,laughed,talked,laughed and the more talking like you usually do. your mums and dads were a few rows behind you but you didnt care because you had caitlin! all you and her kept saying was "we have been waiting for this for too long!" "i know ahh!! there going to be loads of hot boys there" you laugh and wink at caitlin amd she laughs back!!

the flight took 1 hour so you didnt go to sleep or anything you both just listen to your head phones and read fan-fics, a martin garrix song came on and caitlin said "eugh why do you have this shit on your ipod?" "this is not shit,hes amazing!" you reply sternly. you are a massive fan on martin garrix and you adore him however caitlin is not she prefers julian jordan.

when you got off the plane it was really hot so you took off your hoodie because scotlands weather is always rubbish and shit.

you got your luggage and waited for taxis to come pick yours and caitlins family up when you were waiting you checked twitter,instagram,facebook and tumblr

twitter and facebook were both boring as usual but instagram and tumblr werent as usual.

when you got to your hotel you checked in and you and caitlin were sharing a room!! all caitlin said was "GRACE COULD THIS DAY GET ANY BETTER?" replied with "no it couldnt,the sun is out,its really hot,our friends are probably stuck in scotlands shit weather and we are both here together and we get to share a room!" you said this smiling and cheery and the receptionist laughed and so did your parent,the lady handed you the key and you asked your mum if you could go unpack your stuff and she said yes,you ran to the lift and went to your room so you both could unpack.

you both had lots of perfume&bikinis&clothes&shoes and lots more, "i really do hope theres loads of hot boys here caitlin said" and you both laughed..you stopped when you heard a knock at your door and opened it to see who it was and it was your parents telling you that there room was down a few doors "grace caitlin our rooms are just a few doors down" your mums said you both nooded and then you shut your door when caitlin pulled out your water speakers "grace,you brought these?" caitlin said in shock and happieness "yes!,i couldnt leave them behind and we need some good music!!" you said smiling.

you plugged them in and put some good songs on you played

martin garrix-animals

martin garrix ft julian jordan-BFAM

million voices-otto knows

and tsunami-dvbbs

it was 6:30 and it was dinner time and you both went down and met your mums and dads there "mum,are we going out tonight?" you whispered to her "hmm...probably just down to the bar area,why?" she asked questioning "no because we both want too" and you pointed to caitlin and she nodded back to you.

you and caitlin had finished your tea before anyone else so you asked your mums if you could go back to your room  to get ready and they both let yous so you went "i cant believe they actaully let us go grace,eh?!" caitlin says shockingly "i know,oh well!,lets just get ready" i say back to her

when you and caitlin get out of the lift you snatch caitlins phone to see who shes texting and you say in a childish voice "aww is caitlin texting her boyfriend,huh?" and she shouts back "grace stop being so immature and give me it back" you reply with "im having fun,you should try it sometime!" you laugh and run halfway up the hall but your running backwards so you can see if shes coming or not,thats when caitlin shouts "grace give me it ba-" and thats when you bump in to someone a fall on your butt and caitlin starts laughing and the person behind you starts laughing you get up quickly and before you can turn around to appoligze to the person behind you caitlin says "holy fuck grace look whos behind you" you quickly spin around and you gasped and you feel your face burning but you also feel butterflies in your stomach your feeling mixed emotions you blurt out "oh my god,your martin garrix! im soo sorry for running into! oh my god!" he laughs and smiles and says "dont worry about it" his voice is so smooth and cute and he puts his hands out for you to take it so he can help you up...you blush and say "thank you" "your welcome,im guessing you already know who i am,whats your name?" he chuckles and you smile "uh-uh my names g-grace and sh-shes caitlin" you sound so nervous and stupid and you look away but your still holding his soft delicate hand and you look down and back at him at thats when he lets go.

*authors note*
so guys what do you think? im going to do more later on!! i could write a day about martin!! follow me on instagram: _hipsterbecool_
btw buzzing means your really excited and happy bye x

why me? why him? (martin garrix fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now