Y&D 1

90 9 26

Haisley Lewis

As much as I wanted to say fuck my "father", I couldn't. I see most of teenagers with an absent father saying fuck their dad because he wasn't there for them, but I didn't.

I was convinced that eventhough my dad wasn't here for me, he still loved me. He left because he thought I would be better off without him.

I didn't resent him, and I always wanted a relationship with my dad. Seeing other girls with their dad and the bond that they shared, made me yearn for a relationship like that with my dad.

I didn't care that my dad was never there for me, or that he never bought me things. Material things didn't mean anything to me. I yearn for a bond with my dad, an amazing bond that can never be broken.

I just wanted to be able to go to those father daughter dances, and have those father daughter days were we would spend all day together and the end it watching Disney movies.

I don't know the story of my mom and dad. My mom never brought it up, and I never asked. I didn't know his name, or anything. One day if it's meant for me to know, I'll find out, and I will try to find him.

I never let growing up without a father affect me though. I didn't let niggas use and abuse me because I didn't have a father teach me how I supposed to be treated by a guy.

I strived to be the best I could be because I had the most amazing mother ever, and she taught me how to respect myself as a lady.

I want to grow up and give my mom the world because she sacrificed everything for me. I didn't have everything I wanted, but I had what I needed. She couldn't afford to buy me the latest iPhone, but I had a iPhone nonetheless. I didn't have the latest Yeezys or Jordan's, but I still got name brand shoes.

My mom always went out of her way to make me happy, and I just wanted to pay her back and do nice things for her which led to me getting a job on my 16th birthday. I'd started putting in job applications two months before my birthday, and just my luck the Chick-Fil-A manager called me on the day of my birthday, June 16, asking if I could come in for a interview, he gave me the job before the interview was even over.

That was a week ago and after going through training and orientation I'd officially be starting my first day of work today. I was beyond excited. Most sixteen year olds would be spending their summer having fun and going out with their friends not me though.

This was something that I wanted to do. And I can't wait until I get my first check.

"C'mon Haisley. You don't wanna be late for your first day of work." My mom called from the outside of my room door.

I grabbed the CFA cap, which was apart of my uniform, and put it on my head pulling my shoulder length ponytail through the opening.

I rubbed some Carmex on my lips, so they wouldn't be dry, and left out of my room walking into the living room where my mom was.

"Ma, I still have a hour left before I have to be there. But I'm ready." I said pulling her attention away from her phone.

She looked up at me and I could see the tears well up in here eyes. I blew out a loud sigh knowing that she was about to be dramatic. "I can't believe my pookie has a job! Your growing up on me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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