Psycho, the Psychic

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So before you read this book, let me introduce myself. My name is Zayne Hartman, and until about a month ago, my life was pretty normal. Well, as normal as it can get when your job is studying Meteors.

You would think that I have enough excitement in my life and I wouldn't  want more. I thought the same thing, but Nooooo, the one above thinks not so... (you'll know who that is soon enough). he looks down from his palace and is like "Hmmm, I'm bored. Wait! I have an idea! let's make Zayne's life more weird!!"

So yeah, off topic, I'm going to tell you about how I got my powers...

Stay tuned!!!

Start of story...

"Hey Zayne, this is ground command, are you there?"

"Yep, what do you want?" I replied, with a bit more sass than I intended

"Oh wow that's nice!" the ground control grumbled

"Just tell me what you want to tell me" I replied

" I'm getting a report from director that there is a meteor crash site in West Virginia!" Ground control shouted

"West Virginia!! You serious dude, that's like... nine hours from Chicago, are you sure he said West Virginia, are you sure he didn't say, like, Detroit" I said, exasperated  

"Just go, we've arranged a flight for you!" Ground control smirked

One hour Later..

"We are sorry to announce but the landing will be delayed due to a freak thunderstorm, we apologize for any inconvenience caused." A flight attendant said, like a drone

"What! Oh come on! Director is gonna kill me!!!" I said, deeply annoyed.

Then, suddenly the plane groaned, and snapped into half, I saw electricity snaking it's way through my cabin... we had been hit by lightning.

One moment I was in my seat, buckled up. The next moment I was out of the plane, hurling toward the ground, then lightning hit me, and suddenly I was flying. 

Then it struck me (hahaha get it, it Struck me) the lightning gave me superpowers. 😞😞😞

Maybe you're thinking, "Woah man, why are you unhappy, you've got, like superpowers" 

Well... imagine having a truckload of responsibility to do the right thing, because if you do the wrong thing, you could just destroy the world, or at least part of it. That's how it felt when I got my superpower's!!

Ok yeah, back to the story.

Here I was, flying into the clouds zooming in and out, and then I remember that there are still people falling at terminal velocity toward the ground.

I reach them and realize that they're all falling dead, with blood soaking from their shirts, and holes in their chests...

My eyes dart around the clouds to see who killed them, when I see a dark shape dissolve into a cloud.

I follow that shape when a wall which looks like it's made of darkness pops up in front of me, I wave my right hand in frustration when the wall follows my hand movement. Intriguing. As soon as I do that, I see one of the plane parts dropping toward the ground. I point my hand towards it and raise my hand up, the plane part also follows my hand movement!

"Cool" I said

"Indeed, Mr Hartman, now If you please, follow me now."

Wait for the next part guys, I promise it'll be AWESOME. In the meantime, PEACE OUT...

~This story is dedicated to Ms Kanna, 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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