Don't do this to yourself Chuck...

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It have been around 2 Months, since the Winchester Brothers found out that the Famous Writer of the Supernatural Books was actually God. No Pun intended he was actually God! It was hard at first to get used to it... (Y/N) still wasn't fully used to it. But still, they all learned to accept it at some point. But the day Sam and Dean introduced him to their younger sister(not by blood!), the meeting didn't go as smooth as they hoped it would.

- A few Months before -

"Are you telling me this is God? As in 'I created you all with my Magic' God?" (Y/N) asked in disblief. The Boys nodded at that as Chuck stood beside them rubbing his one arm awkwardly. "Why...?" A small whisper left the girls lips. Almost to quiet but Chuck caught up on it. "Why what?" He asked finally breaking the silence. (Y/N) was trembling now. She clenched her fists finally lifting her eyes to meet his. A piercing glare towards him. "Why are you back..? Why did you leave?! Why did you leave us alone!!" She screamed at him startling the three man. No one had expected her to get loud... or this emotional.

"I'm sorry I-" Chuck started but was cut of by (Y/N) yet again. "Sorry?! Sorry?!? You think one little sorry will make everything okay?!!" She then lunged forwards standing infront of him. Chuck didn't even flinch but he still held a shocked expression. "I didn't mean it like that... I am just trying to-" Chuck tried again but was cut off yet again.

"Don't try... You left us.. All this years of war... all this Pain and death... People suffering, watching their Family and Friends die.. and you..! YOU! Were watching all this not even doing something! And then I need to hear that everything was planned?! Every step... free will is an illusion!!? Why did you let all us of suffer... Why did you leave us?!" She spat at him making Chuck speachless. Sam took a step forward wanting to say something but (Y/N) held up her hand stopping him. "Don't.. Sam." She then turned towards Chuck again. "You call yourself God? You are nothing... you should've stayed lost." With that she left the room.

- Today -

(Y/N) didn't see Chuck since that.. incident. On one side she was still angry.. but on the other side she felt guilty. She didn't even gave him a chance of explaining. But it seemed Desteny was on her side.. trying to help her and give her a new chance. Sam and Dean needed to go on a Hunt. They had asked if it was okay, if Chuck stayed with (Y/N) in he Bunker for his safety. After a long discussion she finally agreed.

She was sitting in the library reading something about the Case Sam and Dean were on, if they needed any more Information.

"You know... you were right." A sudden voice said behind her startling the girl. (Y/N) turned around facing the sourche of the Voice. "Chuck?" She asked making the man avert his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"The day we met..." He started. "You said I should've stayed lost... You were right." A pang of guilt went through her Body. "Chuck I-" But this time she was cut of by him. "Don't." He said curtly. "I toyed with you lifes... Your emotions for entertainment... I only watched and did nothing." He said in a low whisper. (Y/N) could see the hurt in his eyes... she could hear the regret in his voice. (Y/N) slowly got up walking towards him. "Oh Chuck..." She placed a hand gently on his Cheek making him look into her eyes. "I am sorry.. My Emotions took over me and what I said... was just pure anger..." He opend his mouth to say something but closed it again as he saw her eyes. "I understand why you left us... you saw something in us we can't see... many people do bad things.. but many can do good too.. and we may fall down but get up ever so often again."

She then took a step closer pulling Chuck into a hug surprising him.

"Look around Chuck. All this pain.. all this saddness and still... so many people belive in you. So many People pray to you... Day for Day hoping you'll hear them. Yes you write our lifes... but still.. we can choose what Path we want to go. It is our Decision." She mumbled into his Shirt. A small gasp left Chuck and he put his arms around her pulling her close. "People still belive in you! They wait for your return... they still BELIVE in you. I belive in you! I pray to you and your sons every night... and so does the World. You are not nothing... You are God." She said with a final breath a tear running down her face. Chuck gently placed a kiss on her temple. "Thank you..." He mumbled, still holding her close. "I promise, I will not leave again... I will bring the peace back.. I will make everything alright again." (Y/N) smiled at that. "I know you will.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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Don't do this to yourself Chuck...(Chuck x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now