Drunk!Ban x Tired!Tsundere!Reader

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It was a long day for you. The Boar Hat was bustling with business this certain day that it really took a toll on your energy. You tore off your waitress uniform and went to take a short shower. Then, you slipped into a comfortable pair of shorts and a tee shirt. It was nothing special. "Finally... I can rest" you sighed and pulled the beige covers over your body.

When you felt drowsiness overcome your senses, you cleared your mind of any thoughts so you could achieve total sleep. But the stomping of stairs out the door made you snap your eyes back open. You got a fistful of your blanket in your hand and squished your pillow on your ear with the other. However, the stomping sounds got louder, then a thud. After that was silence.

Believing that was the last of the ruckus, you went slack in your bed. Not caring anymore. You wanted sleep and you were gonna get your sleep. "(Y/N)!!" A familiar voice yelled. Your eyebrow twitched as he started knocking on the door. "(y/n)-chan~ Open the door~" Great. He was drunk. You pulled the covers over your head silently praying to the goddesses that he'd go away. "Ne~ (y/n)-chan~ Don't ignore me~" you could hear him pout; the knocking turned into pounding. "(y/N)!!" he yelled.

Silence was after that. You thanked the goddesses and closed your eyes once more. And of course that peace was temporary. BOOM! Your door was knocked down.

"Ne ne~ Door's can't keep me out (y/n)." Of course it was that guy.

"Leave Ban. I'm tired" you muttered.

"I knew you were awake!" he grinned, throwing his sake bottle to an unknown corner of your room, making it shatter to pieces.

"Hey! You're cleaning that up!" you said loudly, thought having no effect on the drunk man. "Why are you here Ban?" you mumbled, rubbing your temples in annoyance.

"I want to cuddle with you!" he grinned. You rolled your eyes and hugged your pillow, face as red as a tomato. For a while now, you've had a crush on the Sin of Greed. "(y/n)-chan's blushing" he laughed.

"I'm not" you muttered. He giggled drunkenly, then got onto the bed with you. "H- Hey! Get off my bed!" you blushed harder as he pulled out towards him by your waist.

"(y/n)-chan~ I'm tired" he moaned and buried his face into the crook of your neck. "You smell nice (y/n)" he smiled. You gasped as you felt his fangs sink into the soft skin of your neck. "You taste even better". You could smell your blood. He started to lick the wound.

"Stop it Ban" you hissed, grabbing his wrists and pushing him away. You rolled off your bed to see Ban giving you a hurt look.

"Sorry (y/n)-chan" he pouted and started reaching for you. You smacked his hand away.

"Go back downstairs Ban. I need to sleep" you said, pointing to your door. He sighed.

"Fine. I'll let you sleep" he got off the bed, letting you get on in his place. You got back into your previous position before Ban took it.

"Cool. Now go" you muttered.

"I said I'd let you sleep. Not that I'll go" Ban said and jumped into the bed again.

"What the heck Ban!" you screamed. He wrapped his arms around your body, along with his legs, locking you into place. "Go away! I'm tired"

"I'm sober now." he muttered. He spun you around, making you face him. "(y/n)... Koishiteru" he whispered, making you blush incredibly hard.

"Stop lying Ban. Your loyalty belongs with Elaine." you said.

He was quiet for a moment. You held eye contact for a long time. "I'm serious. I've moved on..." he said.

"Shut up. Just shut up" you hissed, looking away.

"I love you. I don't want you to leave me. But eventually you'll have to. You can die. I can't. I wish we could be together forever. But we can't. So I want to spend the rest of your life with me. So please. Don't push me away" he sounded sincere.

Exhaling you replied. "Fine."

Before you knew it, he grabbed your chin and connected your lips together into a passionate kiss. Your heads moved in sync, and when you parted for air he gave you a serene smile. "Marry me (y/n)"

Your eyes widened. "Eh?! It's too soon! Um! Uh! Maybe later! I- I mean we- um- j- just started to tell each other how we felt! A- and we haven't even started d- dating!!" you stuttered, face very red. He laughed heartily and kissed your forehead.

"Okay then. I love you anyway" he said, then gave me an expectant look.

"... I... Love you too. Drunken bastard..." you muttered and hid your face in his chest.

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