Her Eyes

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Her eyes are so different, so calming. They're the same colour as the lavandula angustifolia that have steadily grown along the cobble wall of my backyard. All I want is for those eyes to sparkle much more, to calm me when I am anxious or scared. Unfortunately not, however. Everytime I see her lately, she has a lot on her mind, leaving her with no time to communicate with anyone anymore. It's mightily unsettling however I must learn to deal with this. She needs support through her life. But her eyes need to sparkle more. They are purple like the silk used in women's clothing or rows upon rows of lavandula angustifolia planted on a nearby field next to the cuphea ignea, her favourite flower. The shade of the orange petals matches my eyes, but not nearly as much as the lavandula angustifolia match her own. It's such a disappointment to see her so distressed with her eyes so dull.
If only I could wish the stress melt away so that her eyes can shine once more.

Her Eyes [2] (Sequel to "His Eyes")Where stories live. Discover now