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Dancing in the rain was 13 year-old Cathy Matthews favourite past time.   Her mother allowed her to go out anywhere as long as she calls and come home and 5 pm. 

And so.  Cathy danced in the rain,  at the street, at the pavement and at the side walk on her own music and melody. People stared but she didn't cared. She danced and she danced.

Dance after dance after dance. Ballet after rock after jive. She dances like there's no care of the world. She danced like a caged bird let loose.

Everyone stared at the oddity and fluidity of her movements. Giving them the urge to fling their bags and dance like no other.

A lanky boy bravely stepped forward while the other on-lookers walk away. He asked "Why are you dancing in the rain? "

Cathy smiled and said "It let me go of worries and stress. Its like a drug but better. What's your name? "

"Louis, Louis Carter." The boy replied.

"Cathy Matthews." The girl answered the unasked question.

"Could you teach me how to dance like that? I have been feeling stressful lately. " Louis asked politely. 

"I don't see why not. Now put your arms like this... " Cathy showed.

They met up every rainy day in front of coffee shop to learn and to teach. Then they'll go inside for a drink.

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