Diary (Smosh)

431 27 14

Today I woke up, dipped the meat in some happy cow beef 'n go and put it in my pet vader's mouth. Then I had cookies for breakfast, 'cause I don't give a firetruck. Hardcore Max drove me to Segway Polo championship in the afternoon. I was thirsty in the middle of the match, so I bought a milky milk shake in the stadium. The neighbor's team won by 2:0. Teleporting PHAT guy nearly scored in the end but fell off his Segway the last second. That damn neighbor got a year supply of dixon cider as a reward and he was honored to launch the cannon PEN15 . On the way back we witnessed an accident. Sergeant Anous was listening to 'The Predicate Rap' while riding his reindeer. He was so into the song that he hit Billy's grandma and caused a huge traffic jam. When I finally got home, I just watched some Boxman reality TV show and played a bit of Legend of Link. It was a long day so I fell asleep instantly, dreaming of having my own cute furry kittens in the house.


Just some random stuff I wrote when I couldn't sleep. Haha, how many smosh references can you spot?

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