Chapter 1

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I was walking into the lunch room like any normal day.  My dark violet hair was in a messy bun, while I wore my usual sweat pants and Melanie Martinez t-shirt.  I really couldn't grasp the reason people dressed up all "fancy" for school.  Come on people, we aren't meeting a King.

My eyes finally settled on the person I was looking for, Justino.  My stereotypical gay best friend, "Justino, over here!"  I waved at him to signal 'come over here'.  He joined me at the front of the door and we made our way to lunch line as he talked about this girl, Jessie, and what she did in second period.

"So she was all like, 'Ugh you are SO last season!" Justino made one of those as if faces, which I chuckled at.  "So then I was all like, 'Bitch!  Who the hell do you think your talking to?  I will beat your ass, well what's left of it."

I looked back at him with a playful grin, "Did you really say that?"

If Justino's skin color was different he would be a crimson red, "I did too!"  Justino tried to cover it up with sass, but he miserably failed.

We continued talking a bunch till we finally reached the cafeteria line.  I didn't bother to grab a lunch tray and kept moving through the line.

Justino spoke from behind me, "Honey, if you don't eat you're going to literally become a stick!"

I just huffed and mumbled a, "Whatever."

Today's lunch was a Sloppy Joe Supreme, no thank you.  It looked even worse then what my mother cooked.  I almost barfed at the smell, rotten eggs, baby diaper, and a pinch of puke that's only the stomach acid.  Don't ask.

I just grabbed a coco cola from the tub of ice and handed the lady at the cash register .99 cents.

"C'mon lets go find somewhere to sit," I tried to tell Justino.  When I didn't hear a reply I looked back at him .  He was staring, hard, at something or someone.  So I simply looked where his eyes were.  They landed on Jason Reese, the bad boy of the school.  "Please don't waste your precious time on him."

I opened my cola can and took a sip, "H-he's coming this way."  Justino said,  Justino always secretly had a crush on him.

I turned around to see where he was coming from only to trip on a cord, from I don't know where.  It seemed like slow motion as my cola flew through the air.  My hand out trying to reach for it, but it was no use.  It was heading straight for him, Jason, and this would be the death of me. Splash. The cola dripped down his forehead, he wiped his forehead as his eyes connected through vision with mine.

They turned cold, "You." he snarled.
A gasp erupted from the bgym.  To ease the thick air I cracked a stupid joke.

"Well it looks like I've woken the beast!" I say with a nervous laugh.  "I'm just going to run now."

I looked towards Justino for support and he just nodded his head saying, "Yeah, you should run."

If you've been updated on my account you'd know this use to be a short story, but I've decided to turn it into a full blown story! It will be 700-1000 words!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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