Love Story

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After 15 years, the time has come. When I will finally lay my eyes on the one person who took over my entire being. I can still remember that.....

We were both young                            When I first saw him
I close my eyes              
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

Mum, Dad and I lived in a quaint little house in the outskirts of the city. Dad was a well know lawyer but work took him away from us while Mum a trophy wife cared only about the image she presented and not about the child that she neglected. Mum and Dad arranged for me to meet Dad's friends' son who they thought would be perfect for me.
So there I was a 13 year old, dressed to the nines, hoping beyond hope that I would like this guy, who would care about me enough to take me away from this lonely world to one filled with love.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say "hello"

He was so different from everyone. So charming. So simple. So down to earth. He didn't even realise that he took my breath away. But then our eyes met and my entire world stopped. He was breathtaking. Every time I laughed I hoped that he was watching. Not so that he saw how happy I was but that maybe, just maybe he would fall for my smile. Just as hard as I fell for his. And neither of us realised that we had our eyes only on each other the whole night.

Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, please, don't go

But he still left the party. I ran behind him trying to catch him. Trying to stop him from leaving and remain talking to me.

And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby just say yes

But I suppose at 13 these things aren't meant to be, right?

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes, escape this city for a little while

I remember sneaking out to meet him every day. We would sit in the park and talk for hours together about everything and nothing. In our own little bubble. And you know what I loved the most about him? He would make me laugh. And I don't mean a little giggle, or a chuckle, or a snort. No. The kind of laugh that commands and consumes you. The sort that booms and bellows and spreads like wildfire. The kind that you can feel in your very soul. And every day I fell a little more in love.

'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were everything to me, I was begging you, please, don't go

And I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

I still remember asking grandma when would true love enter my life. And she told me that you will find true love when you find that you have been doing little things everyday to show you care, and that you are thinking of them. You will find it when you go out of your way to make them happy. You will sense it when he holds your hand when you're scared, or when you save the last piece of cake for him. You will live it in the random texts in the middle of the day, just to say "I love you" or "I miss you". You will feel it when he stops to kiss you as he passes by. True love is dedicating your favorite song to you, and letting you eat his fries; telling you that your beautiful, even when you're wearing sweats; with your hair up and no makeup. It is putting his favorite show on pause so you can tell him about your day, and laughing at his jokes even though they are very lame. It is slow dancing in the kitchen and kissing in the rain. It isn't about buying, it's about giving. True love is all about feeling. And sweetheart the day you find someone who just loves you for you just hold him tight and never let him go.
And I found him grandma but no one believed me.

Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby just say "Yes"

At the end of summer he had to leave. Neither of our families listened to us. I begged and cried but no one paid me any mind. They told us we were too young and to just wait a few years. But why couldn't they realise that he was everything to me like I was to him. And as he stepped onto the flight a piece of my heart went with him. While his promise ring remained with me.

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town

And I said
"Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think"

It's been 15 years to the day he left and here I am waiting at the same exact spot waiting for him to come get me. Was I foolish to believe he would come back, Our families believed that he would. I don't know. But we had made each other a promise that 15 years later we would meet again and then he would sweep me off my feet and ride away into the sunset. And here I was fulfilling my part of the promise. I was here and hoping beyond hope that he would keep his too. Hours passed, he was nowhere to be seen. And my hope started fading. As the clock chimed midnight I turned away calling myself foolish for holding onto something that meant so little to him. But I didn't realise that as I was cursing my unfortunate fate right behind me...

He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say yes"

And that is when I realised that when two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and nobody can keep them apart. We might have started out on the path of an arranged union between our families, but love did follow right behind. We might have been young but we truly loved each other and no matter how many people tried to keep us apart we fought and here we stood, in each other's arms.
Many say that there isn't a possibility of love in an arranged marriage, the most that there could be would be mutual understanding and a sense of caring for your partner. But here we stood defying all perceptions completely in love with each other till death will do us part.

'Cause we were both young when I first saw you.

Guys hope you'll like this story. The cover pictures were taken from tumblr and Pinterest. And they were just soooo sweet that I couldn't help myself. And I absolutely love this song. It just makes you feel so in love. Sigh. I want a love like this.
And one very important advice to all those who are getting into an arranged marriage. Please don't give up. There is hope. You'll can make it work. But do not compromise so much that you loose sight of yourself. Just believe in yourself.
Please review this story if you'll like it. I know it's very cheesy and fluffy but at times you do need this in your life to hope and dream. Atleast I do.
Love you guys.

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