omega and the army of chaos

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chaos called me in to his office for another mission. I was walking the halls when I ran into alpha aka Luke and yes as Luke ' the one who hosted kronos' long story how he's alive."hey" Luke said trying to keep pace with me.

" hey shouldn't you be training?" I said sarcasticly

"aye aye commander" he said with an evil smile. he knows I hate being called commander."any ways where are you going?"

"I'm going to chaos office" I said" something about a mission"

"ha you have a mission that must suck having a mission right after getting back from one"

"its chaos I'm used to it and who knows Mabey you'll come with me" I joked but he took me seriously. as if I was ever serious.

"really think so I'm kinda exhausted, I've been training with persus all day. he a cheat fighter with lighting."

"and he still beat you" I laughed at my self as I approached chaos office.

"bye commander" he choked down a laugh

"bye and I'll meet you in the arena after I'm done" with that his faced paled. I laughed and opened the door to chaos office.

"hello lord chaos" I said

"Percy how many times do I have to tell you to call me chaos or father"

that word brought back memories.


I was called into chaos office to talked to him about something important but he seemed nervous. as I opened the doors to chaos office to asked why he summoned me when I notice something different. on his desk their was a dagger that radiated power. I walked over to it and picked it up. it gave me a shiver when I picked it up.

"Percy I'm glad that you came." he said from behind me scaring the crap out of me. I sat the blade of his desk not whating to.

"did I really have choice?" I joked

"actually you do if you accept my request?" he said "Percy it's been 1,000 chaos years since you joined my army and been... disowned by your father. and I was wondering if you would like to be my s-son?" he stuttered

I was shocked he asked me to be his son" so you want to adopted me?" he just nodded and I thought for a second before saying"yes"

he smiled and walked over to his desk and picked up the blade.

"Percy I would like you to join my blood line as well not just an adopted kid." he said while cutting his palm open with the blade" stick out your hand he said. hesitated before I did. he grabbed my palm and cut it opened. I whiced it hurt like hell thanks to all the power in the blade. he stuck his hand out and put mine against his I whiced as I felt the power flow though him into me."I chaos creator of all, king of the void grant Persus Jackson my powers as my son"

~~~~~~~~~end of flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~

I smiled at the last word.

"Percy hello" I looked at chaos and he sighed "you zoned out I was saying have a mission for you" he said

I nodded"what is the mission?"

"you will be taking you squad aka the lethal killers of yours and go to earth and help the gods." I opened my mouth to protest but he just rose his hand" I know you hate the gods and the rest of the half bloods but gaia is rising they need your team."

as much as I didn't want to go I knew I had to.

"yes lord chaos" I said with a smirk too can play this game

omega and the army of chaosМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя