Chapter - 1

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This chapter has been beta'd by CruelRuin

Chapter - 1

King's Landing.

A city built on blood, tears, and poisoned lies. A city that had withstood not one, but two great wars, and still stood strong. The city that housed the great throne of Iron. Forged from the swords of those who fell in battle. Licked by the flames of wyrmkind, and fashioned into a seat that all coveted, but few possessed the will to achieve. A city, that this day, would see the birth of a new emperor. Would witness the bloody beginning of a new regime, and would burn in the flames of a war soon to end in a victory so pyrrhic, many would call it madness.

It was truly a sad day, when the reason for this madness was none other than the very King and his Court.

The man who sat on the Iron Throne had the responsibility to take care of the wellbeing of all the people in the Seven Kingdoms. From the Lords to the common folk were his responsibility and his decree. In this way, the throne was almost sacred in its nature, and just like anything sacred, a lot of blood had been spilled over it over the centuries.

But never had it been done in such a brutal and stomach-churning way. Everything the great Targaryens built amounted to this, just a worthless pile of piss and shit. Aegon Targaryen must be turning in his grave to see his beloved city, his crown jewel, reduced to this...

Distinct wailing of women and children could be heard across the city. It didn't take a Maester to realize that almost every woman in King's landing were being forced into doing unspeakable things. Innocent children were being murdered right in front of their mothers, while they themselves were forcefully claimed taken by men, turned into beasts by the fuel of conquest.

This was truly the sacking of King's Landing. And to think something this horrific occurred over a single woman. The great city was brought to its very knees over a damned woman. If the consequences weren't so dire, then the situation would've been comedic rather than tragic. Women who held no power in their totalitarian society brought almost a three hundred old regime to its end. It was seemingly hilarious... as long as you weren't on the receiving end of it.

Some would say the beginning for this nightmare-given-life was when Rhaegar Targaryen crowned Lyanna Stark 'Queen of Love and Beauty'. While others would simply say it was because men like Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert Baratheon simply couldn't keep their dick in their pants. Whatever the reason was, it was the realm that suffered. Lacerated by the prongs of war. Stranded, and left to rot.

It's true what they say. Women bring out both the best and the worst in men. And this, this, was definitely the worst.


Elia Martell, wife of Rhaegar Targaryen cursed her husband to the high heavens with her very being. Thanks to him, she was forced to stay in the Red Keep by her own father-in-law, Aerys Targaryen. He gave the banal reason her confinement to the castle was all a byproduct of her pregnancy. But anyone with half a brain knew the real reason behind her seemingly-innocuous imprisonment.

It was done with the explicit purpose to prevent Dorne from rebelling against the King in the war, to gain their absolute loyalty. For someone who had the moniker of 'Mad King', he surely made a calculative and cold-blooded decision when it came to her family. After all she was the only princess of Dorne. Her brothers would never risk the wrath of the 'Mad King' when she could be put into such mortal danger by their rebellious actions.

It wasn't meant to end like this, Elia raged in her mind. She was meant to be the Queen of Westeros, ruling the Seven Kingdoms alongside her husband. But now she was reduced to nothing more than a political hostage, a pawn to be used by the Targaryen's as they saw fit. How depressing. She mused, her downcast eyes dulling her prideful visage.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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