Meeting with the Lawyer

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"Ah and welcome to my humble city. The small and cozy New York City. The Big Apple." I narrated. I looked at the laptop screen that had just been turned towards me. It showed the splotchy views of many different security cameras looking out into New York City. I looked at the first one, which pointed out towards the Statue of Liberty, "There's my girl, the Statue of Liberty." I looked to the next screen, "And now we come to the Empire State Building, perfect for a great view."

The lawyer eyed me, a slight annoyance glistened in her eye, "Does any of this have to do with how you got into your situation?" I knew she was trying to help me, but I needed something to lighten my mood a bit, and this was helping. So I ignored her. If anything, I ramped it up.

The next screen pointed down on a busy sidewalk, right outside a Starbucks, and I knew what would happen there, but I don't say a word about it yet, "Ah and here we come to my favorite part of the city, the people. New York City is the perfect place for people watching. It's peaceful to watch them all, rushing to live their busy lives while you sit there living yours. Thousands of them bustling about every day. So many that I couldn't tell my neighbor from a tourist. Which brings us to- Me!" the lawyer had come around the small, simplistic metallic table, and paused the tape. She then proceeded to zoom in.

"Okay, good. Thank you for finding yourself. I know with all those people around you it can be hard. This is the biggest piece of evidence I found that they have against you," besides her I thought to myself, but the lawyer didn't seem to know that part, or if she did she probably had another way of dealing with that aspect of my trail. I hoped.

The lawyer zoomed in further, "There I am." She pointed to the girl kneeling next to the boy, and I shook my head, "No not that one." she shifted her finger to the figure five paces behind them, "Yeah, her. That's me."

"Good. Thank you." Then she hit the play button. The camera showed the figure in the dark outfit walk closely to the boy, a little too closely. I cringed. That was my fatal error. Some people you just can't actually bump into them. I could remember how tired I felt that day, like I had the whole world on my shoulders. I watched as I start walking away from them at the same speed that I walked towards them, good and casual, but the boy still stood up and felt his back pocket. Realizing what had just happened he had yelled at me, but in the video, all he did was point at me and start running. We both started running. And then one of them stops. Because they tripped on their own stupid tired feet, and just so happened to look up in such away that you could see the nasty scar on her face positioned in such a unique way that it could only be my own. And that's how I knew they could actually use this against me. She paused the video.

"How did you find this?" I asked her, looking at her dark brown eyes.

"Your case is actually being looked into quite a bit." she replied, closing the laptop and returning to the opposite side of the sad little table.

"I don't have any money. I can't pay for expensive lawyers and detailed cases." I look around the room when I say this. My gaze stays away from her face altogether. I don't know why I feel ashamed now of all times, when we just watched me steal money from a poor unsuspecting kid. The only items in the room were the table and the two chairs, all three shiny metallic. The walls were a plain grey and I can see dents and scuffs from who knows what, on them, which made me slightly shiver. Who sat in this chair before me? And cue second shiver.

"Don't worry about the money, that's all being taken care of for you. You were lucky you were found by who you were." I am? "We're all here to help. Now what would really help me is if you told me everything that happened. Starting a few months ago."

"Am I allowed to have some water?" This was going to be a long story.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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