1440 Minutes

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"Goodnight sweetie, your going to turn 12 tomorrow!" My dad whispers in my ear as he tucks me into bed, the whisper kind of sounds like a shout anyway- "Galehtania Lopez Fernandez Cornelia, growing up so fast!' My mom interrupted, I hate it when my mom calls me by my full name, I'm actually Spanish but I live in England with my family. My original name was Galehtania but my school finds it hard pronouncing my name so it eventually turned out to be Grace. My mom looks up to the deep dark sky, I look at her as the stars reflect in her eyes. She comes closer to me and whispers in my ear "I have the best daughter ever!" "Oh and I have the best parents ever, thank you for everything, I love you, Goodnight!" I replied quietly.

I feel really dizzy, not the way I plan to wake up on my birthday. I check the time it's still 8:00pm, the time I went to bed last night, no I must be dreaming or it's really morning and my clock is broken, hmmm... that sounds more reasonable. I peek through the curtain, still dark, okay then the clock's not broken. I decide to go back to bed but instead I fall straight on the ground. I stand up, one foot at a time. No more bed, no room just me, it's so dark that I can't even see myself and my light from my watch , well that watch was getting old. I'm probably getting a new one for my birthday. Tomorrow, um.. today.. ehh yesterday, nah. I don't even know the date, my watch is so old it stopped telling the date and time. Now what am I going to do!

Something shone through that darkness as I took step forward, it must have been my watch, I thought. Then something touched me, I quickly turned around in fear and saw a unicorn, wait what a UNICORN! No Unicorns do not exist, I'm probably just having a attack panic, oh I mean Panic attack! "Please, please don't be afraid" Bawled a friendly looking unicorn, unicorn what am I saying, lets say a horse who happens to have a horn, that can happen. She continued "My name is Glenda, I have been protecting this kingdom for thousand of years from danger and monsters but as I can see, your completely harml"- I broke her sentence "No way, I just wanna know where am I, did my friends tell you to do this, is this some birthday joke that there're doing, because I know all of my friends and they are serious pranksters." "Ahem" She coughed and added with sadness "I understand the way you feel, all you want is a way home, Welcome to the land of Enchantment, full of colour!" Colour what are you talking about, I can't see a thing!" I complained. "She muttered underneath her breath, I can't help you-" What"I. screamed "But I do know someone who can!" She replied, also screaming.

"Really who, how far is this place from England?" I yelled. "Actually, we are not in England, or on Earth or in the universe that you come in, this world, well this universe is quite the opposite" She spoke peacefully.I tried to keep calm as I answered back sarcastically, "Okay, opposite universe uh no world, definitely not crazy. Who did you say could-" Wise old owl!"She replied. Is this world called The Land of Enchantment or The land of interrupting cows? "Who is the, um whoever you said?" I asked trying to hide my anger. "Just climb on my back!"She screamed. "Sure, but please don't interrupt me, or scream. Or else I'll tell you a very stupid joke." I said. "Oh, if that's the way you feel....okay, but you can tell me the joke later." She replied back trying to be as quiet as possible. I climbed on her, I felt her soft silky back and her horn, really I have never felt such a beautiful horn, ever. I felt it as we rode through the dark forest that was strangely getting lighter the further we got.

We were riding through the woods for almost around 30 minutes and time had really passed, Glenda and I really got to know each other and you know what, she wasn't so bad, finally we came to a stop. "Wear this, in this world you need this magical bracelet for you to see like day, it's really beautiful here you know" I could see that she was trying to convince me to stay here so that we wouldn't have to go on this journey, I would have done the same if she came to England but no, I will never ever stay here, not at all especially with a unicorn. "Oh thanks!" I said fakely "Wow, when I put it on I could see a beautiful, enchanted forest, reminded me of Snow White, and Glenda. She was so beautiful, rainbow fur and her horn, was just like I had imagined, Golden with sparkly silver to accent it. A voice came from somewhere, I couldn't make out what it was! "Hello, who do you think you are to cross my bridge?" It came again. "I'm right here, Hellooooo!" "Bridge, uh what bridge?" I answered to that weird voice. Then, then I saw the beautiful golden bridge the voice was talking about, I looked at the sky, then down, unfortunately my view cracked because an ugly, well I won't say ugly. Disturbing looking troll-ish toad blocked my view."Oh you met Humpy, I'm surprised you got along so well, with a good start, Humpy isn't that friendly towards well you know people, he guards the bridge to the magical pathway"Glenda finished as Humpy gave me a safety check, to check if I was an imposer, I think, well that's what it looked like.

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