Darkness Retreat

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There's a darkness crippling not just me, but the light and if it doesn't stop the shadows will have a grip on reality, space, and time.
As it moves closer to domination we always fear the worst but, the worst was yet to come for disaster, war, and crime, and finally the destruction of the nearest Star and all the planets around it.
If this does happen no one will be left, not even myself but, just as I thought all hope was lost, the light had shined ever so brightly and a shining figure appeared and she told me to "not be afraid, the darkness was strong, but the light is stronger", as a beam of light blasted into the sky, it was so bright, the brightest it has ever been.
The Darkness scattered moving faster and faster until it vanished.
The universe was saved, but I fear it was not the end but, the beginning.
We may have won the battle, but the war with the dark, was far from over.

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