Paper Cranes

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"The paper crane is a symbol of long-life as Japanese folklore believe the crane to live for 1,000 years.The crane is also a symbol of happiness, good luck and peace."

Everyday, I ride my bike on a small narrow pathway across from the local river.

It's water, clear and crystal-like, holding a simple beauty within it.

I catch a glimpse of a little boy carrying a handful of paper cranes, he carries them with the amount of care you would need to hold a baby.

This little boy wasn't aware of how red his nose was, it was as if Jack Frost had pinched it.

Not only was his nose red, his eyes were too.

Neglecting the stream of tears running down from his cheeks, he still manages to place the paper cranes, one at a time onto the calm water.

One by one, they float away out to the ocean.

Shortly after all the paper cranes swim away, the little boy scurries off to the nearby lodge and slams the door shut.

Each day he would fold paper cranes and send them out into the ocean.

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