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A/N: Written for @thefictionawards' December 2016 - First Day of Holiday [Teen Fiction] challenge.

This loosely follows on from two previous stories of mine, entitled 'Break' and 'Pride' (in a newly titled series of stories - 'Batty in Berlin'.) You don't necessarily have to have read either of the previous stories to follow the events in this tale, as I think 'Transformation' stands alone fairly well. It's merely the characters that are the same, in all tales. All one really needs to know is that Jacob and Noah are university students in Berlin, and they work in Subway. They're both English; Noah's from Birmingham and Jacob's from London. Jacob is a were-bat, yet Noah is human. =D There is an external link to the series, however, if you really would like to read the other tales.

W/C - 1463 words


Noah followed Jacob inside the other boy's flat, as nervousness flooded his body at all that was to come. Whilst it was not the first time he'd actually been there, it would be the first time he'd ever seen Jacob in his were-bat form. While the thought entranced him, Noah also found it scary as he didn't know what to expect from the experience.

"Thanks for asking me round," Noah said, quietly, and his voice trailed off, unable to think what else to say that wouldn't sound trite or worse, offensive.

"Today of all days?" Jacob asked as he threw a grin over his shoulder at Noah.

Noah had to laugh softly at that, surprised that Jacob had finished off his thought exactly.

"I wasn't gonna say that, but yeah, I suppose," Noah said, as he nervously pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "It means a lot that you'd ask me to see you. You know. In your other shape."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm just as scared as you are," Jacob admitted, as he led Noah into the kitchen. "I mean, you're the first person other than my sister who's ever seen me ... you know."

"I know," Noah nodded, slowly. "It means a lot that you trust me that much, Jake."

"Well, I thought it only fair. I suppose," Jacob said. "Seeing as we've been dating for six months and all. I thought it about time you saw what you were getting yourself in for. That came out wrong. I have no idea what I'm trying to say here, by the way."

He grimaced and once again, Noah laughed.

"If the knowledge of what you are hasn't yet scared me off, then I doubt the actuality of it will," Noah pointed out, not unkindly. "Lik you said, we've been together six months. I'm still here. You are talking to Berlin's biggest nerd, you know. I read comic books for a living."

"You work in Subway for a living, Noah," Jacob corrected, with a laugh. "You read comics for fun."

"It would be rather worrying if it was the other way around," Noah nodded, mock-solemnly.

There was a brief pause, before both teens began to laugh, some of the previous nervousness easing away until there was nothing left but themselves and a warm kitchen.

"Anyway," Jacob said, as he clapped his hands together and made washing motions with them. "What was this you were saying about chocolate cookies, Noah? I demand something fun, considering it's the first day of the holiday and all that wonderfully cheesy crap."

Noah smiled and nodded before he pushed his glasses up his nose again. He carefully laid the shopping bag he'd brought with him onto the kitchen table before he began rummaging in its depths. He'd suggested baking cookies as a way of distracting Jacob until his change; Jacob had already indicated that he often couldn't relax in the lead-up to his transformation because of thoughts of what the night would bring.

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