Where it all begins (chapter 1)

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"Hey Hinata" Yachi said while running over to Him and he turns around to look at her "Do you want to come to the Library after practice?" Yachi asked "Sure we do have that social study's test about the 13 colonies tomorrow" Hinata said with a smile "Awesome" Yachi responded and then started walking to the coach to decide what warmups to do. As Hinata was looking at Yachi with the coach Hinata felt someone bump his shoulder "so you started liking Yachi I see why I almost taken a double take my self" Tanaka said "SHUT UP!!" Hinata said while trying to hit him multiple times but failing every single one "enough with the house playing get on the line" coach said while the hole team look at Hinata and Tanaka and started silently laughing so the coach wouldn't hear Hinata got on the line like he was supposed to but then right when he recovered "Hinata your as red as a tomato did something happen" kageyama said with concern "oh nothing much" Tanaka said while covering his mouth from laughing "TANAKA!!!!!!!!!!!" Hinata said while tackling him to the ground. The hole team just watch as Hinata attempted to hit him but missing every time until Kageyama lifted Hinata up like a child and set him aside while helping Tanaka up from the floor even though he didn't have not one scratch on him. Then the hole team just pretended to forget what happened and did there normal practice. "You ready to go" Yachi said at the end of practice "yup" Hinata responded and they walk out of the gym to head to the library. As they were walking Hinata started a conversation "Yachi do you think that stars are people souls who passed away" Hinata said while looking at the sky then Yachi look up too "I don't know maybe it's the joyful spirits that should be remembered so they get put up in the sky to be looked at" Yachi said as she turn to Hinata "well if I am going to be a remembered as a star I want it next to yours" Hinata said as he stopped. walking. Yachi stop as well and look up to him "I would love that too" Yachi said with a big smile

Hey guys if your reading this then yay you click on my story and I hope you like it. New updates will happen a lot because it's almost Christmas break so excited. Well anyway if you have any suggestions to this story I will be sure to read them. Also if you like full metal alchemist (anime) I made a fanfic about that too so be sure to check that out

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