Lily x Reader: Cuddles

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"It's way too cold in here!" you said, walking around the mansion where you lived with Lily, Misono, and the vampire children. You went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Lily was already sitting in a chair across the room, reading a book. He looked up at you. "Y/N, is something wrong? You're shivering," Lily said with a concerned look.
"It's cold in here today," you told him.
Lily stood up and walked toward you, stopping near the couch. "If you'd like, I would be happy to cuddle with you to keep you warm," he said, closing his eyes and giving you his signature soft smile.
You nodded slowly, returning the smile and blushing slightly at the thought of being close to the sweet Servamp. Lily grabbed a blanket from the back of a nearby chair and covered you with it before sitting next to you.
He lifted the edge of the blanket and wrapped himself in it as well. He proceeded to put an arm around your shoulders and gently nuzzled the side of your face.
"Are you starting to feel warmer, Y/N?"
"A little," you said. You began to relax and leaned your head against Lily's shoulder. He smiled and pulled you into a hug, warming you from the inside out. You hesitantly hugged him back, your face heating up at the contact. You had developed feelings for Lily not long after moving in and still hadn't managed to confess to him since you were a little on the shy side.
"Are you blushing?" Lily teased, noticing the color of your cheeks.
You swiftly turned away from the blond. "I'm not!"
Lily chuckled. "I think it's cute. You can turn around."
You continued to look the other way, embarrassed that he had noticed. Then you felt a light, cool touch at your jawline. Lily turned your face back so that you were looking at him and brushed his long fingers across your cheekbone. Your eyes widened slightly and he smiled at you sweetly.
"Lily..." you managed to whisper.
Lily looked at you questioningly. "It's alright. What do you want to tell me?"
You looked down and fiddled with the blanket. "I- I've liked you for a while now and I wasn't sure if you felt the same way, so I was afraid to tell you. I really wanted to say something, though. Please don't laugh," you said in a rush, not looking up from the blanket.
"Why would I laugh at such a lovely confession?" Lily asked, causing you to look up hopefully. "I like you too, Y/N. I've been so happy ever since you came to live with us."
The words you had been hoping to hear for so long were finally being said. You smiled so wide that you hid your face in your hands out of embarrassment.
"Don't hide that beautiful smile from me," Lily said softly. Reaching toward you, he removed your hands from your face. "Much better."
Lily let go of your hands and wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent. After a moment you heard him sigh contentedly. He lifted one hand to the back of your head and began stroking your H/C hair.
"Oh my, your hair is so soft!" he said happily. You giggled at the compliment. "Thanks, Lily."
At that, he held you tighter and planted a loving kiss on the top of your head. "You're so cute, Y/N." He looked down at you with sparkling eyes. You smiled again and snuggled closer.
The two of you continued to cuddle until Misono called you for dinner.

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