The Silver Haired Assassin

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I held my bow, tightly gripping the handle as a sharp breeze whisked cold across my fingertips. It was a winter evening in the town of Carintor, which would've been surprising except for the fact that every day in Carintor seemed like a winter evening.
The town sat atop a mountain staring down at the city of Raingard, the capital of the kingdom of Ingrid. My target was down in Raingard, about to take his victims wallet to get rid of their notification.
I nocked an arrow and pulled the string back. The shaft was made of a thin lightweight metal, known for being able to travel far distances of about two hundred feet. It also helps that my bow is a little bit special.
It was given to me after I had taken down a young man known for beating his wife. She had paid for me to kill him and offered the bow as payment. I couldn't refuse the offer after seeing the thing. It looked as if it was made of gold, with rubies encrusted on the top and bottom. The string seemed to me made out of bronze.
The bow itself was enchanted several times to give the user better sight, a stronger pull, and better aim. I haven't been able to test it's limits yet, but this one might do it.
The distance from Carintor and Raingard had to be a good four hundred feet. I could see him very easily due to the enchantment, so I aimed. The wind was quite rough so I aimed slightly to the right, and released the arrow.
I watched it curve in the wind and I smiled. Luck was in my favor today. The arrow struck the target in the heart slamming him into the wall. He didn't move so I decided to pack up and go. It would take me a day to reach Raingard from the mountain so I decided to just stay at the Inn.
I walked around holding the bow close to me. People whispered as they saw me pass them through the town. My long silver hair was quite noticeable, so I figured they were just talking about that. I opened the door into the Inn. Silence was all I heard and there was a drunkard passed out in the corner of the warm building. I pulled out two gold coins and slid it to the barkeep. "A room for the night and a meal will do." I said to him. He simply nodded, while taking the coins. He wrote on a ticket and passed it back into the small kitchen.
"I have a question for you." I heard from behind me. It was an older man that had followed me into the building. I simply turned to listen. "Are you the assassin known as Zoe Franco? I don't see many girls with silver hair so I'm just asking."
"I am indeed Zoe Franco. What is your business with me?" I asked, not surprised that he recognized me.
"You didn't always have silver hair, did you. You got it after you got that bow? Am I right?" He asked, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
He had my attention. I was the only one who knew that the bow had changed my hair when I was given the weapon. Myself and the woman who gave it to me. Now that I think about it, she was wearing gloves when she handed it off.
"You did get that right. My question is how do you know that, sir." My food arrived. It was a small pot roast, carrots and mashed potatoes.
"It's probably better if I were to show you." He stated, looking at my fresh meal.
I quickly choked down on the meal as the flavors washed over my tongue, a warm blast of a crisp mountain life. It filled me up quickly, so I left, having already payed my tab.
The man said nothing as we walked through the town, swiftly and carefully. I watched around, not wanting to have to deal with a surprise attack of any sort.
The man led me through back-alleys into a quaint little building. He opened the door fast and rushed me in, as if he didn't want anyone else to see. He led me to a room in the back of the house.
  A loud crash hit the door and it didn't stop for a solid five minutes. "Is this what you want to show me?" I said confused.
  The man shook his head and started unlocking the door. I had just realized how much padding was on this thing. Locks and chains and boards all bombarded the door so that whatever was inside wouldn't ever be let out.
  The locks fell to the ground and he opened the door. What I saw shocked me. It was a boy, who looked a bit younger than me. About fifteen years old. He was holding a sword that had a sleek sheen. It shone brightly, even in the dark room and had rubies encrusted on the handle.
  What shocked me the most, was not the amount of cut marks in the door, not the condition that the boy was in, and it wasn't the fact that the boy was chained to the wall with some kind of tough metal. It was his eyes, that gleaned a simple silver, as if they were staring into my soul, reaching past the darkness and looking at what was once good.
  "What is this!?" I glared at the man, a fury washing over my body.
  "It's my son, and he's become corrupted the same way you have. Appreciating that weapon more than his own family."
  The boy finally chose to spoke. "Maybe it's because the weapon hasn't locked me in a room for... how long has it been?" He asked not being able to remember his time in captivity.
  "That's not important. Zoe Franco, I want you to hire you to kill this boy. A clean execution."
  I subsided my rage for a minute and looked at the man. "Who are you." I asked, making it evident that I didn't believe that he could afford my price.
  "I am a Councilman of Carintor, Hugo Haringrad. This is my son, Aldred, but that's not important. Money is not a problem.. now! Kill him!" The man yelled at me.
  I knocked an arrow and aimed at the boy. I shouldn't do this. I've killed many people, but this is the only one that felt wrong. The boy looked like he would feel peace if I did it. His body was skinny from being denied a proper amount of rations and the water in the room didn't even look good.
  I decided to let instincts take over. I grabbed a different arrow out of my quiver and stabbed Hugo with it. I kicked him to the side and released the arrow that he wanted for his son. 
  With the strength that the bow gives to shoot farther, I quickly realized my mistake. As the arrow hit the man, his body started to fly backwards. His newly made corpse slung through the wall and completely dismantled that part of the small house.
  Before I was caught, I decided to do what I must and I broke the chain that was holding the boy. "I know that this isn't what you wanted exactly, but come with me."
  All he said was, "Nice to meet you as well."


Holy crap I wasn't ready to write again. If you happen to like it, yay. If you don't... well crap. I tried. More might come later but I'm very slow on updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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