The war

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Cassie grabbed her ruined journal. She wrote in it so if someone survived this horrid war, they'd understand what she'd felt.

She scribbled in how the war started in the first page. It wasn't special to her, the war. It wasn't important, it was a Death Sentence.

It was a regular Saturday, when it began. I was sitting on my torn up couch reading a small book. I didn't know that would be my last time if peace.

I heard my younger sister come upstairs. She turned the TV on and gave it an intense stare. She would yell at the television occasionally, I didn't care what she was watching.

I should've. I should've got up and looked at that stupid TV. Then I would've been ready for what had happened next.

A huge crash erupted throughout the house. I dropped my book and looked around. Outside, in the town, a plane had crashed into the hospital.

That's where my dad worked. I heard Rose, my sister, started spazzing out. I glanced at her and saw the TV was off.

Her phone dead in her hands. "It's not turning on!" She yelled.

"A plane crashed into the hospital and this is your worry?!?" I yelled.

"I charged it just an hour ago, it shouldn't be dead!" She yelled back.

"Dad's at the hospital!" She didn't speak after that. Rose started sobbing in the corner of the room. I ran to my phone, to call dad.

It didn't turn on. I ran to the house phone, which never died, it was also dead. I was confused at first and then she spoke. "It's an EMP,"

"Who's EMPing us?" I asked.

"Russia, they declared war on Japan. They already bombed them five times, now their targeting USA," she sobbed. Why?


"That's classified, the Government isn't telling us," she said wiping tears off her face.

After writing that bit in her book, Cassie heard voices near her. She slammed the dusty book shut and grabbed her bag.

Her pistol fell out of the slab at the top. Holding the gun in her hands she took the safety off. This is what the war has done.

No one can trust anyone. Every one is a threat. Strangers could be deadlier than they let us see. Cassie stood up and smelt smoke.

Her eyes adjusted to the fog and saw a man with a gun, pointing it at a smaller person. Stay here. Her conscious told her.

Ignoring that sweet and smart voice in her head she slowly walked over to the man. She pointed the gun at his chest, not wanting to pull the trigger she spoke.

"Put the gun down," her voice was strong, yet rusty. This was the first time in three weeks she had spoken out loud. Being alone makes us more quiet.

The man didn't even glance at Cassie, he just spoke. "She's one of them. She's a Stran," Stran was what Americans called intruders.

"I said, put the gun down!" She repeated louder. Her voice cracked indicating her nervousness.

"And I say no!" He yelled and before she could react he was right next to her and the gun on her forehead.

The girl darted up and ran off. Why did I come here! The voice in her head asked her. She is sure to die. No stranger helps another. She shouldn't have helped the girl.

"Put your gun down," he quoted her. Cassie obeyed, the tall stranger's breath smelt of mint. Mint? Only Strans can afford anything like that.

He pushed Cassie to the concrete floor. A road burn from a week before scraped the ground. The scab had ripped of causing blood to pour out of her arm.

The man bent down quickly and wrapped a towel on her arm. Now he's helping me? She thought. "Get up," he ordered. Cassie quickly stood up and the man grabbed her bad arm and pulled her off.

I'm dead! She told herself. Once the man had pulled Cassie to to unknown area he spoke, "My name's Theta,"

"I'm Cassie," she managed to say.

"I didn't want to risk you being a Stran, you do know what the Government found out about them?" He asked.

"After the EMP I lost all contact with the Government," Cassie sassed. Not many people can hear the news. Only Strans.

"Strans are alien type things, they bleed a bright blue color. I had to make sure.... the girl you 'saved' bled a bright blue. It looked fake," he grumbled.

"....I'm sorry," Cassie said trying to decide if he was good or bad.

Cassie's pov

"S'ok. This is my house," he added pointing around the shed thing, we were in.

There was an old TV set and a couch with holes in it. The last things were a table and multiple cupboards. He forced my on the couch and he took the towel off my arm.

A pain seared throughout my arm. Thick and warm blood fell off the towel. He grabbed a can of water and warned me, "This is going to hurt,"

He placed the wet rag on my arm. It felt like someone slowly stabbing a sharp blade into my arm. I yelled out in pain and immediately his hand covered my mouth.

"Sh**," I repeated over and over. It hurt like hell. My heart raced as he grabbed a needle.

"I'm going to need to stitch this, or you'll bleed out," he pointed out. Oh crap. No, "I can knock you out, if your want." He spoke noticing my fear.

Now comes down to the question. Trust a stranger, or run and risk bleeding out?

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