|chapter one|

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"Fuck your justice" thought the boy in black while looking at the Vancouver Palace of Justice. He was certainly mad altought he didn't look like. He had deep black hair, black clothing and black glasses that was covering his eyes, and the mysteries behind his eyes. The only contast thing was his clear white skin.

He's been busy with lots of things. The individuals at his are was probably doing "daily casual boring" routines. Stuff like schoolwork, house chores etc.

He's been busy with lots of things. Lots of things.

But not things that fit his age.

"Young man caught and killed the robber of the bank."

That was the article he read in the newspaper yesterday. He was getting more famous day by day with the media.

But not in a good way.

You're a pure disgrace to this world, Leo.

He couldn't silence the voice in his head.

If you know what you do is wrong, then why are you keep doing it, though?

All this time he pursued reality. The thing that was true.

Justice is blind. But I'm, blinder.

He felt like he wasn't safe at there anymore. An anti-hero, standing right in font of a palace of justice.

No shit Sherlock.

"I must hide" he thought. Only escaping the crowd wasn't enough. Because no matter where he goes and no matter what he wears to hide himself, someone could find out his identity.

But who said fighting in the name of the truth would be cheap and easy?

He put his hands in his jacket's pockets and started walking. Anywhere would be good, he just wanted some place "safer".

His thoughts were capturing his whole existence again. He observed the noisy crowd as he kept walking. Eveyone was making a sound but none of them was listening. That was probably the worst problem in the planet they live.

Like, person A tells something, maybe something really important; but nobody around A is listening. And then when someone another speaks, A doesn't care. People don't understand watch other, they argue and stuff like murder happens.

He giggled uneasy.

Such a decaying place.


Oh hi **

First of all, I'm not a native English speaker so I could have some mistakes. I'll really appreciate it if you correct me.

My first fiction here so pretty excited.

Btw it already and will have some cursing pls forgive me

Waiting for your precious opinions, thanks a lot for reading <3

(Also it's 5 a.m. and I have school tomorrow but instead of sleeping I wrote this what the fuck is life)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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