love is easy

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I'm abbie! I'm 18. I live at home with my parents but there getting pretty sick of me. Because I'm nothing. See my twin is harry judd from mcfly. See harry is perfect! Well so my parents think but I know him better. See everyone thinks that harry isn't a trouble maker and that he is just a tallented drummer and sports man. But he has a cheeky smile and has something hiding behind his eyes. But with me. Because I'm still living at home with a crappy job at a cafe in the village. They dislike everything I do. See I'm not a 'girl' as my father describes me. I don't want to do beauty or be a nurse. I want to do sport. Not dancing but I want to play football. To be honist I like most sports. Football,rugby,hockey,skating,climbing I'm just a dare devil. As good as people think it might be it gets me into trouble. See I'm rather clumbsy too. But my parents arnt so incuraging as there are with harry. See I have been offered to go to south bank university in london and its based around sports but my parents won't let me. Yet if harry said he was going there they would of supported him. But know everything is so different for me! They think I'm childish and always asking for attention because of who I am. My hair is naturally blonde. But I dip died it so its pink at the ends. But everything I do is not right.

"Abbie? Come downstairs now!" My mum shouted up to me. "Oh and turn of your stupid music!"

"Fine!" I shouted. I unplugged my ipod from my speekers and ran downstairs. I was wearing a pair of black jeans and a mickey mouse top. I had my black and purple converse on too.

I walked in and sat on the couch downstairs.

"Abbie. Will you please put a smile on your face for a change!" She snapped and I forced a smile.

"Right now you know what's happening tonight so we will be leaving here at around 4.30 so be ready for then." Dad said

"Make sure you look nice! Oh and put a dress on." Mum said and I looked at the time. 2.30. I had ages yet. But the plan for tonight was that we are all meeting everyone. We've met the band but we haven't met the others familys.

"Oh and abbie. Please don't rewin tonight. Its about harry not you." Dad said

"I won't ruin the night!" I said "its always about harry." I muttered.

"Good! Now make sure you look your best. Dress up like its a wedding." Mum said

"I will!" I said

thing is. I don't like dressing up. I had dresses but I hardly wore them.

At around 3.30 my mum knocked on my door.

"Get ready!" She said

"We still have a hour!" I snapped.

"Just do it! I don't want to be late. We have to drive into london to the band house." Mum said

"I know! Ill get ready now!" I said as I rolled my eyes and lay back on my bed.

"Good." She said as she walked off.

I then stood up and put my dress on. I had washed my hair that morning to save time. I then straightened my hair which came down half way down my back. I put a headband in too. The dress I wore was black and it had a bit of a puffy skirt and came to just above my knee. It had a pink belt across the middle. I then put my black and purple converse back on. Mum would flip but I'm not wearing heals. I then put on some eyeliner and masaca. I was ready so I grabbed my ipod and plugged my headphones in and sat on my bed.

"Abbie! Hurry up! We really need to go!" Mum said as she barged in.

"I'm ready." I said as I jumped of the bed.

"Change your shoes now!" Mum said

"Its fine! Plus I thorght we had to go." I said sarcasticly

"Alright then! Now get in the car. Your eyeliners to dark." Mum said and I ignored her and put my headphones on and went into the car.

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