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My father was a Vampire. My mother was a werewolf. They were meant to hate each other, but their attractions were too strong and they decided to run away.

Fast forward 1 year. They had a beautiful daughter(Me) that they thought could only be either a vampire or werewolf. They never expected to have a daughter who was both. I had pale white skin as soft as satin but no fangs at all. I also had the ability to run as fast as a cheetah, but it wasn't as smooth and flowing as my father's. From my father, I could shapeshift to a wolf in a blink of an eye. I had the best of both worlds.

Fast forward another 15 years. I was 16 years old. According to vampires, when i reached 16, I would stop ageing. But for werewolves, they stopped at 25. My parents didnt know whose side I would inherit. I also could control my thirst of blood, and rage for meat, therefore, my parents decided to send me to school. We lived in a small town called Karlin, and they wanted to send me to Karlin Public High school.

"Name?" the school's receptionist looked at me through her thick spectacles.

"Carmina Blake."

She passed me my schedule and pointed at the direction of the lockers. When i walked through the hallway, everyone turned to stare at me. I had natural hazel brown hair that was in small ringlets at the bottom. It matched perfectly with my pale white skin. They probably stared at me because of that. Or maybe because i was new. Suddenly, a weedy-looking thin boy with too red hair popped up in front of me.

"Hey! I'm Aaron! Do you need help?"

I stared at him. My parents told me never to trust anyone but the ones I loved. That boy, whose name I already forgot was staring eagerly at me with love struck eyes. He obviously had a massive crush on me.

"Um.. No thanks."

He didnt hear me. He started helping me carry my books and leading me to homeroom.

Homeroom was filled with many weak humans. I could hear their wet heart thudding and the delicious smell of their blood flowing through their blood vessels. I wanted to bite one of them. But.. I promised my parents I wouldn't. My father had packed two bottles filled with "A" Negative blood- To satisfy my thirst. That boy, Aaron dragged me over to an empty seat... Next to him. Sigh. He was quite okay but toosticky.. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an empty seat- Next to a boy. He had Dark red hair and was muscular. Not those meaty muscular types, but those who had lean and hard muscles. I was instantly attracted to him.

I plonked myself next to him and gave him my best Im-into-you smile. He didn't reply, smile or even face me. Did i have a body odour? I gave myself a quick whiff. Phew, i smelt like my perfume. Then... Why didnt he talk to me? When the bell for lunch rang, he quickly walked out of the door.

At the cafeteria, I sat with Aaron,Bessie,Jamie and Kylie. Our table was just opposite the boy's. I whispered to Kylie and asked her who he was.

"Oh! He's Justin Lucks!" She giggled, "He thinks none of the girls are good enough for him."

I told myself I hated him.

At home, my father told me we were going hunting, and that today was my vampire shift, which meant that i would hunt as a vampire. I gathered up my courage and asked him what would happen if a vampire or werewolf loved a human.

"Well.. Vampires or werewolves are not meant to mate with humans. The death of the human will hurt the vampire very much. Remember they live forever."

Those words rang in my head. I wanted Justin as mine. I knew there was a connection between us the first time I saw him. Maybe he felt it too...


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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