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A/N: Hello, Haru here. This will be my first time writing a fanfic on Kpop pairings. I hope this comes out well and please excuse my grammar mistakes and other things. I normally write fanfics for animes but I guess I want to mix it up so here it is. A Daebaek fanfic for you guys, since there is hardly any. This will also be up on Asian 

Blood and dead bodies laying on the floor everywhere. There in the middle of the mess, sits someone crying. He was holding the body of his former lover close to his chest as he rock them back in forth. Jung Daehyun, lifeless but still breathing looked up to him. He flashed a smile softly at Baekyun before his body went limp, head falling into Baekhyun chest.

"No...No Dae..." Beakhyun whisper as his tears dropped faster. He begins to shake Daehyun lifeless body. "No..Daehyung..." he said between his sobs. The area was filled with agony screams as the older lad looked up at the sky and screamed as if Daehyun can hear him in the afterlife.

The older latter awoke with a scream of terror, shaken by the dream he just had. He looked at the spot beside him to find it empty. He begins to panic, why hasn't the young been back yet? Baekhyun has been dating Daehyun for years now and he knows when something is wrong.

Suddenly the door opened to the apartment. The older got up and scrambled out of the room for hopes of his boyfriend. Once his lover came to view, the lad couldn't help but run over to him and hugged him. But as he got closer, Baekhyun stopped and examine his lover.

Daehyun was covered in blood and his hands were shaking.

"Dae..what happen?" Came Baekhyun as he took a hold of the other's hands.

Daehyun limping a bit, unlocked there hands and pulled Baekhyun into his arms. Baekhyun taken a back, just stood there for a moment or two before he returned the hug.

"I'm sorry Baekie." He said. "I did something bad..." He added. Baekhyun looked up at Daehyun and brought a hand to cup his cheek. "What happened? What do you mean did something bad?"

Daehyun pulled back and cup Baekhyun's cheek. "I...I think I got someone killed..." He said.

Baekhyun took his lover hands again. "No's not your fault. You're a good man..." He said as he looked up. "Right? You told me you had quit your told me you are safe now from"

Baekhyun couldn't finished what he was saying because Daehyun spoke. "No Baekie...I lied to you."

Everything stopped and before Daehyun knew it, Baekhyun slapped him. "How could you Dae? You promised me. And now you say you lied to me?" Baekhyun half yelled half shooked. "We been through a lot together! How could you do something like this to me?" He added. "Jung Daehyun I fucking hate you but..I can't hate you...I love you too much to hate you...but again you have gone over the line. I hate you! I want nothing to do with you."  Baekhyun said, not giving the young latter time to explain.

"Baek, I'm sorry. Don't do this...I promise you this won't happen again." Daehyun said as he followed Baekhyun to their shared bedroom.

"Why should I trust you this time? Jung Daehyun I don't know if I can ever trust you again...Chanyeol was right about you. You have no feelings when he comes to your love ones feelings. You think about yourself. You think your gang was more important...I should've listened ages ago." Baekhyun said as he begins to pack.

Daehyun shook his head and grab Baekhyun wrist. "Baek, don't do this. Please not now. Not when.."

"When what? When I die? Is that what...I'm done with you now let go." Baekhyun demanded.

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll call the police..." Baekhyun threaten. The young lad released his grip on the other's wrist.

"I'll wait for you..I'll wait till you come back.." Daehyun said. "I don't care if it takes half a century or forever I'll wait for you." He added.

Baekhyun didn't answer and zip up his suitcase. "Don't bother waiting  Daehyun. This is the last time I'll see you.." He said.

"I don't care, I'll die old age if needed. I will wait for you.." He said. "Baekhyun..I love you."

Baekhyun didn't turn back to look at his ex. He ignore his lover's words of love towards him. "Good bye Dae." He said as he took the suitcase with him and left.

Once his lover left, Daehyun swings at everything and screamed as loud as he could before collapsing onto the floor.

"Byun Baekhyun..Saranghae..."

Was his words before he passed out from blood lost he had gotten earlier.

Meanwhile with Baekhyun

Baekhyun got into his car and drove to a place where most of his friends lived and where he used to live.

When he got there he rung the door bell and waited. The door soon open with a surprise look on the other's face.

"Hyun..I need a place to stay..Can I stay here for a couple nights?" Baekhyun asked.

"Of course Bacon, come on in. You did you use to live here." Xiumin said as he let Baekhyun in.

"What happened?" Xiumin asked as he moved aside for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun sighs. "It's a long story...Maybe I'll tell you later. But right now I just some sleep."

Xiumin nods. "Oh alright, your bedroom is still the way it is. So go up and rest. We will all talk once morning comes." He said.

"Thanks Hyun.." The young latter said before going to his old room. He walked in and examine the whole room. He smiled a bit and closed the door.

The room was left the way he left it before he moved in with Daehyun. Pictures of his friends hung on the wall and albums of his own and his favorite music on a computer shelf.

Baekhyun heard his phone calling, he look to see, that it was Youngjae calling but he ignored it. He threw his phone on the desk before he fell onto his bed .

He didn't want to deal with anyone right now All he just needed was some rest.

The next morning Baekhyun awoke to the urge of needing to use the bathroom.

The male stood up and ran to the closet bathroom and threw up his dinner. He has been throwing up for the past week now. And he knew actually why.

"I need to find a job..If I'm going to keep it..." Baekhyun said to himself.

The following the morning, Baekhyun explained the whole situation to his friends, which consists of Suho, Xiumin,  Sehun, and Lay. Chanyeol lived with his parents, the same with D.O.

"I am thinking of moving..moving back to where I was born. He doesn't know where I'm from..." Baekhyun said.

"But I need to find a job first.." He said.

"Baekie, why don't you go back to being the singer you always wanted to be? And you can stay here as long as you need"

The young latter smiled and nods. "That seems like a good idea..but only problem is I think I might be pregnant.." He said. "And I want to keep it because this life is also something I help created."

Prologue Done. Now here comes the real story. I still need an idea of the bad guy. 

I hope you guys enjoy this because I personally love this ship. 

I am already working on the first Chapter.

Till Next time

~Haru(Jung Baekie)

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