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It was dawn outside the grand capital city of Skyrim, Solitude. At the bottom of the hill that lead up to the gate stood an army. An army clad in blue armour, and almost all Nords. This was the  Stormcloak Army, ready to march on Solitude. At the front of the army were three men. One wore the armour of a Stormcloak General, with a long beard tied into a knot near the bottom and a huge warhammer clasped in his hands. The second was dressed in a fur jacket over some fine blue clothing. A fool would have thought his death would come easily, but under his noble exterior he wore a chainmail shirt with some light armour plating as well. The third, well, he is the hero of our story. He wore armour unlike that of any other warrior there. It was a jet black with golden rims and indents, and it hummed with a magical aura. It was worn by a tall, tanned man with long, unkempt dark hair and a short, neat beard on his face. He had dark green eyes with a scar just under his left. His name was Lucas Aldon, but to the rest of the army he was known as Stormblade.

The finely dressed man walked over to Lucas. "Good luck Stormblade. Not that we'll need it, of course. Not with you by our side. I never thought an Imperial would be who won us this war." He chuckled slightly.
"Good luck to you too my Jarl." Lucas replied, a barely evident smile on his lips.
"Come on, Lucas. We're about to bring about an end to the Empire's reign over Skyrim. Loosen up, for Talos's sake! Stop being so formal; call me Ulfric." He said.
Lucas chuckled at that. "Very well, Ulffy." He replied.
"Don't push your luck." Ulfric said, laughing a bit. He then turned to the men.

"Alright, men! This is what you signed up for! Behind those walls are the cowards who lead the Imperial Army, who are too cowardly to face the Thalmor, who take our gods from us; no more! We shall break through the gates, storm the city and kill these cowards! However, should a man surrender to you, it is your job to make sure he survives and goes home to his family. If a shield-brother or sister is wounded, get them to safety. Now, on my signal, we shall charge! You are the true sons and daughters of Skyrim! Talos be with us all!" Ulfric shouted. It was met with patriotic cheers from the army. Ulfric turned to the General. "How was that, Galmar." He asked.
"Better than expected," Galmar replied. "Talos be with us." He added. Ulfric turned to face the army. "Alright men! 3...2...1... CHARGE!" Ulfric yelled.

The army drew their weapons and charged towards the gate, clearing room for the battering ram. Today was the day. The day when Talos worship would be legal in Skyrim once more. Yes, today was the day.

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