new job and intro

722 14 2

You where a (y/a) teen and after you fell down mt.ebott you needed needed a job. There was two jobs you can pick, working at gillbys or work with a scientist, you where good at science stuff so yeah...the old skeleton that your working with holes in his hands, it looks like he did that himself, he whered a lab coat with a nametag that sees his name in wing dings and you were good at reading/decodeing wingdings, he hade small glasses one of his eyes was thought that he can't see that brushed that off, you where your (f/s/c) (2 f/p/c)and (3 f/s/c), purple small glasses your (m/l) hair was on one of your eye that make your eye shut, ok enough info, let's get to this!!!
Sorry it's short... And its a intro.

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