chapter 1- The First D

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Philly D was gay. Not that he could ever tell anyone, especially not his wife and son, Philly the 3rd. He was still going to high school even though he was 31, he had been held back a few years as he had focused on his booming Youtube career rather than his studies. He lived in the small town of Tivoli, New York, far away from the city.
It was Philly's first day of 11th grade. His wife packed him a lunch while he helped his son get dressed for his day at Kindergarten
"Papi?', Philly the 3rd asked, "Why do you stay with mommy if you hate her so much?'
Philly D pondered the question. Why did he stay with her? He supposed it was to protect his beautiful son, who despite being conceived from an unhappy marriage, was still the light off his life. He supposed it was also to protect his secret homosexuality, which he could not even reveal to his son.
"I don't know, Phillip the 3rd," said Philly, "but just know that even if I do hate her, that doesn't mean you have to as well."
Philly the 3rd smiled at his father than skipped off down the stairs to greet his patiently waiting mother. She handed him his tiny backpack and waited for her husband to walk down as well.
Phillip met her with a clearly forced smile.
"Thank you for packing my meal, dear."
"You're welcome." she answered, oblivious to his unhappiness.
Philip walked out the door holding his son's hand.

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