#1 christmas day

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prompt: eva is left alone on christmas day and chris comes round to keep her company.

requested by: myself .

warnings: loneliness and a whole lot of fluff.


Christmas Day. Alone. Here Eva Mohn sat on her sofa which was placed in the corner of the spacious silent living room. Outside was silent, inside was silent. No younger siblings and cousins chasing each other round the house, no Mothers frantically running around the kitchen trying not to burn the turkey, no grandparents complimenting their grandchildren on their matching jumpers, no husbands arguing over sports and politics, no sisters talking about the new tv show that had just come out. Nothing. Just Eva curled up on the seat with a mug of peppermint tea, sweetened with two sugars.

Her Mother was supposed to be home today, but her evening flight was cancelled due to the bad weather and she wouldn't be back until Monday morning. Leaving Eva alone for Christmas Day and the following 2 days. Eva could have texted her friends and told them about what had happened but she didn't want to bother them, as she knew they were either spending time with their families or abroad.

It's not that Eva was one to feel lonely, in fact she enjoyed her own company but it was Christmas Day. In the back of her mind all she could picture were people spreading love with one another. That's what she wanted. Just the one day out of the entire year that she wanted company, that she needed company. No one was around.

Enough. Eva decided she needed to stop wallowing in her own self pity and desperation for human contact. It was pathetic and she was much better than that. To encourage herself to feel more lively, Eva chose to put on her One Tree Hill box set as she knew she had enough episodes to last her not only one day but a lifetime. 

She placed her cold feet into her fluffy slippers, her hair in an extremely messy bun, sweatpants and a large jumper covering her body to keep her warm in the low temperature of the room. Eva picked her body up and dragged herself to the kitchen, yet again to make herself a herbal tea. Just as she was about to reach for the box of rosehip tea, the door bell rang.

Eva trudged along the corridor to the end where her wooden front door remained. She turned the door knob and there he was.

"Hi." He said grinned at her whilst holding a present in his hand.

"Chris. Hey. What are you doing here?" Eva mumbled back with a confused look shadowing over her face.

"It's Christmas and i just wanted to give you my gift! I can come by another time, if you're busy?"

Eva thought for a moment. She could lie and tell Chris that her Mother and her were cooking dinner, so she didn't have to feel his pity. Or she could invite him in, drink tea for a short while and at least have some company within this day. After a short contemplation, she chose the second option.

"No, no. Do you want to come in? Would you like some tea?" Eva replied sweetly with a smile. Chris nodded and they walked through into her kitchen. Eva went to pour the recently boiled water from the kettle into two matching mugs with cute penguins on them. She had already put in the rosehip teabag and just assumed Chris would like it.

"Where's your Mum?" Chris questioned as he took a look around the empty kitchen which looked as if no one had touched it all day. The house was quiet and he would have thought that there would have been even the slightest amount of noise lingering in the background.

This question made Eva's body tense. She didn't know how to reply, she didn't want him to know she was alone but she had always been an awful liar.

"Oh, erm. She's just not arrived yet, she should be here in the next hour." Eva mumbled without looking up from the mug she was stirring. Her voice sounded false and her tone was slightly higher than usual.

Chris walked over to Eva and turned her around so she was facing him. He put his arms around her body and placed his arms on the kitchen surface, so she was completely trapped. He lifted her chin up with his soft hands so she was looking straight at him. "Eva, why are you lying to me?"

She looked to the floor and chuckled rolling her eyes, "I don't want you to have pity for me, that because i'm alone on Christmas Day you feel the need to comfort me. I don't want sympathy because i'm not sad."

Chris sucked in a thick breath and wrapped his arms around her frail body. Eva gave into his warm touch, she rested her head on his broad shoulder, bringing her arms around his back and clasping her fingers together. She could never say no to this, she could never say no to any contact with him because he just made her feel so secure and safe within his strong arms.

Chris placed his chin on top of her head and breathed in her sweet floral scent. He wanted Eva to be loved, he wanted her to feel happy, he wanted her to not be alone and he would give anything for that.

"Well how about I stay with you? If i don't, then i'll just have a Christmas filled with my uncle and dad arguing and my cousin, Tom, telling everyone about his successful multi-million company, whilst my mum says 'Why can't you just be like Tom?' and gives me disapproving looks." Chris says leaning down to kiss Eva's cheek.

"You don't need to. I am honestly completely fine on my own, you don't need to babysit me." Eva shyly replies whilst chuckling slightly at his kindness.

Chris rolls his eyes at her comment. "I am not babysitting you, I want to be here. Really, you'd be doing me a favour by letting me stay and keeping me out of the family dramas!"

"Fine... only because you insist." Eva says looking straight up to Chris' eyes. His eyes flick down to her plump, deliciously pink lips. He passionately planted a long kiss on her lips. Moving their bodies together. It was strange how perfectly they molded together into one.

She chuckled lightly against his lips, noses touching and turned back around to pick up the two cups handing one over to Chris, who thanked her. She then took him by her other hand and made him follow her into the living room. She placed her mug on the coffee table and crashed onto the sofa, Chris came and joined her. He wrapped his arm securely around her body whilst letting her place her head on his shoulder.

The love that Chris felt for this girl was unbelievable, he never ever thought that it was physically possible for him to love someone so much, love anyone at all for a matter of a fact. Ever since Noora and William left for London, Chris and Eva became extremely close. It started with meaningless hook-ups at parties, then meet ups in coffee shops, then after school at one of their houses, then when Chris would get into fights he would come to Eva to patch himup and tell him how stupid he was being. Now here they were together, curled up on Eva's sofa on Christmas Day alone whilst watching re-runs of One Tree Hill, occasionally sharing small kisses and distant loving stares because in the end at this point in time all they needed was each other, and they were both okay with that.


if you ever want to read any of these on tumblr then feel free! i will usually post these imagines on there first.
my user is : seriouslymel :)

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