Chapter 1

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I hit the search key and lean back in my chair, waiting for the shite dial up internet to work.
I shouldn't really be googling this, not here, not now...I'm sure the band I work for have some kind of monitoring system. The words Gallagher,  Oasis and Manchester are sure to set off alarm bells. Maybe I shouldn't be searching this?  But I want to know! If I can't decied which brother I'd date then a crappy internet quiz was going to have to be given the honors.

Sighing I pondered the unanswerable question - Liam or Noel.
Noel is more reserved, like me, and is more thoughtful with his actions....he also really likes my favorite band, Slade.
His brother, Liam, is a lot more brash, always ready for a fight and determined to prove himself. I think Liam's probably alright for a quick drunken shag in a dimly lit nightclub but Noels more boyfriend mater-
"What you looking at there then?"
My indecisiveness is shattered by my actual boyfriend bursting through the office door. His eyes are drawn to the brightly lit computer screen like a moth to a flame. I fumble with the mouse, clicking the bold red X on each tab.
"Nothing, trying to do my job and get you another gig" smiling, I swiveled around on the desk chair and pulled him into my lap.
He happly obliged and perched on my thigh , angling his body towards mine.

"Don't worry about work now..."
he purred, "come hang out with the rest of the lads"

He Stood back up again and tryed to pull me by my hand,  away from the computer.  I reluctantly agreed and got up, walked after my boyfriend Damon, pausing only at the door to wistfully sigh at the now black computer screen and wonder about what the Gallagher brothers were doing now...and which one I'd date

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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