What is love?

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There is one question that no one could ever answer without thinking back about it twice. That you have to think about to see if it makes sense, that one question that is hard to explain that many would not understand. This question I ask you today is "What is love?"

Is love something that would be here today but be gone tomorrow ? Is love something you could throw away when you no longer want it? Is love something you could share with more then two people? if so would you mind telling me what love is. I have a story for you I think it is an example of love, so when the story is done you can comment.(Yes or no and why)


There was a girl by the name of Rose who was age twenty three. She had blonde hair with smooth white skin. She enjoyed here life but it couldn't be the same without her wish coming true. Her wish was to be able to see. For she was blind ever since she was a little child. Rose dated a man who's name was Mark, who loved her very much.

One day he finally had enough courage to go out and ask her to marry him. So Mark was on his way to Rose's house when he remembered that he forgot to buy her flowers. He arrived at the flower shop when he was stuck on the decision of weather he should by roses or lily's. He finally makes a choice to buy Roses for two reasons only ,they were like her name and 50% off. She gets back in the car and reaches to his destination. Mark finds Rose sitting on the outside out on the porch sitting down. This is when he asked her then in there if she would be his forever.But all Rose did was smile and say" Oh Mark I truly love you I really do but I have to decline. If  I could only just for a minute be able to see your face I would marry you. "I am sorry Mark I just can't do this I can't marry you".

"I understand ..... why would you marry someone that you can't even see?" I wish that one day your dreams would come true. That day Mark left and Rose had not heard of him in a while. Three moths passed and still no word of Mark but Rose had other things on her mind. She recently received a letter from the hospital saying that  a donor has donated a pair of eyes to the center and they are willing to give them to her. When Rose heard the new she was so excited she has never had so much hope filled in her before that she wanted to scream. Rushing in the car she forgets to comb her hair  and change her clothes. Nothing mattered at this moment , things were brightening up and she was not going to let anything ruin that moment.

It's been three weeks since the operation, and Rose is enjoying every second of life with her new eyes. "My one desire has finally come true I can now live my life to the fullest." Most importantly I can finally be together with my dearest Mark till death do us part. So reckless she hurries to dial the phone to contact him ,after calling 4 times he finally answers the phone. "Oh Mark you would not believe what happened but it is a surprise I'm not going not tell you until you get over here". "

 Mark came with a hood over his head ,and with a smile on his face. "So Rose are you going to share your good news with me ?" Also smiling Rose replied "Well a few weeks ago the hospital called to say that there was a pair of eyes that were available so I quickly accepted the offer. so now here am I Mark living my dream but now it is not good enough. "I love you Mark and life isn't the same with out you." Rose say no more said Mark. Will you marry me ? As he said that he raised his eyes and smiled "Will you Rose will you?".  Rose could not believe that the man she thought knew all about was also blind.

Disgusted she turned her head the other way "How revolting I never thought someone could be so hideous in my life. How could I ever marry someone like you?"  "I did not know that's how you felt if I am such a bother then I will leave you". as said he walked away that was the last time she ever heard of him. It's been 8 months and Rose is young ,happy and couldn't ask for more. She has a new boyfriend who was fifthly rich and was willing for her and her family to move in at any time. Life seemed perfect for Rose until she got a letter in the mail addressed to her. She opened it and began scanning the page. When she reached through half of the letter she began to cry for the word's on it made her go blank. The letter was from the hospital announcing the death of Mark William. He was crossing the street when a car ran him over ,he died on the hospital bed the next day.  Behind the note was a envelop labeled "To Rose" she opened it, and it said:

Dear Rose,

    Over the years I have grown to love you. Your laugh, your smile everything you did wanted me to know more about you. I always enjoyed being around you even for the slightest moments. When I am with you every day is sunny outside because I know your alright. I would do the extreme just to prove my love to you and I would happily die for you safety. I'll do any thing to see a beautiful smile on your face. I will sacrifice any thing with out hesitation even if it is my sight. 

  Yes Rose I wasn't always blind I donated my eyes for you. I did it for you to experience the beauty all around us. I still loved you even though you have rejected me. I have no regret's and if I had a chance to do it over I would not have changed a thing. Because as long as your happy Rose I am happy as well.

I pray that you will find someone who will love you more then I ever could.



From that day Rose did not have the strength to even look at herself in the mirror. How could she even think about her carrying Mark where ever she goes? 

I have to live on with that guilt were ever I go. Thinking of all the cruel words I've said to him after all he has done for me. All he wanted t do was love me and be there for me, but all I did was stab him in the back. He didn't deserve to die, I did. But I am not going to let his sacrifice be in vain I will accept my past and live on for my future, just like how  he would have wanted me to. 

At times I cant help but think did I truly love him? If so is that what love really is betrayal, lies, deception, torture and heartbreak? It doesn't seem right can someone please tell me What is love?      

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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