Chapter 1

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   "Mac wake up and get ready for school." I did as told, I got up and went straight to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth.  I then put on my school uniform not forgetting to include my under shirts and extra sweaters. Today was going to be a cold one.
         When satisfied with my layers of clothing I then went straight down the hall to the kitchen.
"I made your favorite, pancakes." Said my mom. "Thanks mom." I ate my pancakes and then put on my shoes and coat. I grabbed my book bag and made my way out the door of our one bedroom apartment.
            I made my way down the stairs and then waited by the lobby door for my mom. We then continued on our way to school. The walk was surprisingly quiet as we made our way there.
What am I saying the walks were never quiet, especially when the voices in my head wouldn't stop talking.
Oh oh I wonder what it'll be like in school today.

Don't be dumb it'll probably be like any other day, Dylan annoying you, Rider continuing to make puns, and Louis trying to hurt Dylan while Cecelia and you talk about anime, YouTube, video games, and books you are currently interested in, of course the usual.

If you won't mind me asking but why do you keep invading my mind?

We are apart of your mind, we help you make decisions and we are to help you with other things that you'll find out later.

Well do you mind tuning it done a little?
And with that the voices slowly fade and I finally start to realize that we have reached the point on our walk where my mom has to go to work, so we say goodbye and I love you.
Now I'm alone, and with that I start to continue. The silence is over baring so I start to hum the tune of a song I can relate to.
I'm friends with the monsters that's under my bed, get along with the voices inside my head, your trying to save me stop holding your breath.
As I was going to continue I was stoped by Dylan putting his hands around my shoulder.
"Hey Mac, what class do you have first period." I frowned.
"Math." It's not like I don't like math, it's just I have to sit near A kid who doesn't like doing work meaning when group work comes around guess who's stuck doing all the work? Me, and then he's got the nerve to ask me if I put his name on the paper, but hey let's just look on the bright side, at least this ensures 85s and higher.
"Cool, so we've got to get class so I'll see you at lunch?" He asked.
"You know even if I wanted to get away from you, you'd still find me."
I smiled at him and continued to my class seeing as my class already left the auditorium. If you havent noticed some of my friends and I are in seperate classes. Cecelia and I in class A of the seventh grade, Dylan and Louis in class B, and Rider in class C.
I made my way to the the fourth floor where the seventh and eight grade classes are. Of course as suspected I'm late, so I quickly grab my calculator from the bin and sat down next to my lazy partner. I took off my jacket and put it behind my chair and quickly started on my math work.
As suspected I finished my work early so as soon as homework was assigned, I was the first one to start it and finish it. With that I continued to art class. I took my seat next to my partner Cecelia.
"Hey Ce." I said, using my nickname for her.
"Hey Mackenzie. Did you finish your math homework." She said and I smiled.
"Ye-" I was going to respond when I was cut off by one of my other friends Andre.
"Ce Ce, do you have any pixy sticks today?" I quickly threw a playful glare at him.
"That's my nickname for her, get your own buddy, and even if she did have pixy sticks she'd give me....."
Yet again I was cut short but not by Andre or Cecelia but by shock.
Cecelia was giving him pixy sticks, two blues and two reds. I gasped "why would you do this to me?" I said faking hurt.
She smile and gave me two blues, two reds, two purples and two oranges.
"What that's so unfair." Said Andre
"Suck it up Dre, life's not fair." I said while chugging the sugar into my system.
"Ms. Davis, Ms. Rodriguez and Mr. Collins, I suggest you pay attention in my class unless you want detention!"
With that we kept our sticks filled with sugar hidden and looked at the board where Mr. Anderson was demonstrating how to draw different real life items using three dimensional shapes.
When that class was over science soon came around where we learned about rocks and how they form.
When that class was over Cecelia and I made our way to the cafeteria. I walked straight towards our usually seats and was shocked to see that my best friend Louis wasn't there.
As I was going to sit down a voice whispered "boo." I jumped and then realized it was just Louis and he was laughing at me. I started to punch him but he just continued until Dylan started shaking him and asking if he's crazy.
While they argued Cecelia and I went to get our lunch, when we finished we made our way outside towards the school park, Rider, Dylan, and Louis soon followed. Rider and Cecelia started to talk about who knows what considering they knew each other since kindergarten and Louis and a few other people I knew were chasing Dylan yelling, "He is Dinka!"
While everyone is doing there own thing I sneak into the back of the school yard, then is when I start to hear the voices.
I wonder if any body Else can hear and see what I can. Believing that these were the voices of my head I said to them, I thought I told you to tune it down.
That wasn't us.
What's going on? Whose there? Is she like us?

Come out and show yourself

She isn't speaking aloud she's talking to us through mind link, she's like us, she is an illusionist other wise know as the believer of the unknown.

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