Minecraft- The Origin of the Skeleton

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Chill Your Backbone!!!!!!

Once in 1423, there was a very wealthy man who lived in a high-tech mansion in the state of New York.He often lived happy and fine but sometimes felt lonely. At the age of 37, he married a wealthy woman. 2 years later, she was pregnant and she and the man were very happy. Unfortunately, at 6 months of pregnancy, the baby died. They were both so depressed. Their depression lasted 15 years. At the age of 60, they had twins and were very happy. But when the twins were 2 years old, the man's wife passed away because of a heart attack. So the man embarked on a long journey throughout the , world, in search of a wife. But before the man went on his journey, he hired lots of elite babysitters, elite game experts for when his kids grew up, elite 5-star-restaurant chefs, elite limousine drivers, elite event-store-workers for his children's birthdays, elite teachers, elite trainers and finally elite DJ's and musicians so he would make sure his kids were never stressed. So, it took him 30 years to find true love. The wealthy family was really happy everyday and never got stressed. But soon came a downside, he was getting lonely fast. His two sons died at the age of 59 because of cancer. Then, his wife had a heart attack at the age of 70 after seeing all the people he had hired. Amazingly, this man somehow managed to stay alive.
He never was broke because his massive fame in all social networks. At the age of 178, he moved to a smaller house in Russia because he noted that his mansion was too big for him all by himself. Finally, at the age of 230, he was so impressed with himself of how long he had lived that he grabbed a shotgun and wanted to test out if he died...and guess what, he died.
His neighbor heard the shot but he didn't mind because he knew the man practically inmortal. Some time later, ants began consuming the house because of the massive quantity of food the elite chefs had prepared. 3 months later, the house began to mold, the andesite of the floor was getting rotten, the security iron bars began to rust and worst of all rats were appearing. 2 years later in 1655, every millimeter of the house was covered with either rats or ants. Soon, there were so many ants and rats that they went and consumed the other 6 smaller houses in his private neighborhood. About a century later, in 1755, creaky noises, the sound of bones clicking and roars were heard. Science couldn't explain what those sounds were until 1871 , when a group of elite scientists that studied about the paranormal and supernatural came in a few kilometers away from the
neighborhood with a telescope and saw something that terrified them for life and beyond! What they saw was...THE UNDEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!THEY SAW THE FREAKING UNDEAD!!!!!!!!THEY SOMEHOW RAISED FROM THEIR TOMBS AND FOUND THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!They were so impressed that they fainted. The CIA began to worry because they didn't return so they sent a satellite to see what was happening out there. The next day by evening the satellite arrived. They saw that their people were fainted, so they sent a chopper all the way from Washington D.C  to  Russia, where his home was ubicated. Accidentally, the had sent a slow chopper so it took about a week to reach Russia. When the helicopter got there, the men were saved successfully but weirdly, they died a month later. This became viral and about 45,000 people died too. Science couldn't even say a single letter to explain the cause of this deaths until 1911. In that year, the grandsons of the elite scientists saw with the same telescope that a kid in deep sleep was getting devoured by paranormal creatures, the same they had seen in the mansion, only that a little bigger. They saw the same case of 300 residences and they were astonished. That brought another question: Where do these creatures come from and why are there here consuming people? The question was answered in 1974 while Notch, the famous creator of the fabulous game, Minecraft was sketching a skeleton to implement it in the future. What had happened is that somehow the drawing of that creature had connected to an alien in Mars with the same look. That maked him shoot out from Mars and into Earth. That happened because a weird genetic formation that alien had. That answers the phrase that says "was getting devoured by paranormal creatures(those paranormal creatures were the mob we all know and love(well....maybe not love), The Skeleton!
That's how skeletons existed in Minecraft!
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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