Jordyn's Back!!

15 0 0


Hi, I'm Macey, I'm 15 years old and almost 16, I have long dark brown hair and brown eyes that compliment my tan skin. My best friend is Jordyn Jones, we've been best friends ever since 5th grade. I'm so excited to see her again, she flew out to see her parents for thanksgiving and she's coming back today!! We're actually at the airport to pick her up now. I can't stop fidgeting with my hands and checking my phone. Until I get a text.

"Brandon, it's from Jordyn!!! Her plane just landed!!!!"

"Alright alright calm down. She was only gone for three days."

"I don't care how long she was gone I still missed her. Jordyn!!" I yelled and ran and we jumped into each other's arms and fell on the floor, still hugging each other and crying. We were finally done and I realized that Brandon was recording the whole thing.

"Omg, thanks sooo much for recording that!!" Jordyn says to Brandon and hugs him. "I'm gonna post this on every social media account I have!! But come on what are we waiting for Starbucks is waiting on us."
We all just laugh at her craziness and drive to home so Jordyn could unpack and then to Starbucks. But Jordyn was so tired she decided to stay so me and Brandon head down there.
"So since Jordyn isn't in the car, do you wanna do it today?" He's had a crush on Jordyn for like, ever and he's gonna have them write 'Girlfriend?,' on her cup! Omg how cute is that?! 
"Yeah, I think I will." He says with a confident smile.
When we get to Starbucks I order Jordyn's Vente Pink drink.

"And if you don't mind, would you write Girlfriend? on there for me?"

"Yes ma'am." The girl says  with a smile.

When we're finished, we pay and we drive back to the house. Once I unlock the door, we walk in quietly so she couldn't hear us and took out my phone and started recording for my vlog channel.

"So, Brandon is about to ask Jordyn to be his girlfriend, are you nervous?"

"Nope, not at all."

And he was serious.

"I'm so nervous and he's so chill about this and I'm not even the one asking her out. Well here we go." I say and open the door to find Jordyn just getting off FaceTime with her tutor since she lives in Vegas. Brandon walks in and Jordyn's face turns bright red and he hands her the drink and she was in total awe.

"Yes." She says. They hugged and it was so cute! The rest of the day we watched movies and laughing. I'm so glad that my best friend and my guy best friend is happy. That's all I need.

Hi this is something new I'd like to try. And most of the content is gonna be what actually happens between Luna , Jordyn, and Brandon. So stay tuned love ya bieee✌🏽😛✌🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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