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 Third Person View

"Nico! Hazel! Get under the table! Now!"


Nico slid down the door, tears streaming down his face. Once he hit the floor, he let out a whimper, burying his head in his hands.

"Bianca, I'm scared!"

"It'll be alright."

Bang! A girl screamed.

Nico shook his head, trying desperately to forget that day. He was struggling to breath now, gasping for air, drowning in his own tears.

"Get together! Against the wall!"


Bang! A boy dropped to the ground. Bianca covered Nico and Hazels eyes. The masked man dragged a bloodied woman to a corner, starting a pile that would gradually get larger.

"Everyone, shut up!" The man yelled, silencing a group in the corner. However, one toddler wouldn't stop crying.

"Mommy's hurt!" He cried "Please!" 

"I said, shut up!" The man walked over to the boy, gun pointed at him. A teen with messy black hair pulled the boy into a bear hug, shielding him from the gun-wielder. The boy continued to cry into the teens shoulder. The man cocked his gun. Suddenly, Bianca jumped up and ran in front of the teen and toddler, saving them.

Nico was crying so hard, he thought he would drown. He'd never forget that day. The way Bianca coughed up blood, a hole piercing her chest. How she forced two things into Nico and Hazels hands.

"I w-was g-gonna wait," Bianca said, forcing a weak smile "I-I love y-you...... guys.. S-sorry." 

Nico tried to cry, but he didn't. He didn't know if it was the fear of getting shot, or the fact that he was too shocked. The boy with the messy black hair looked at him with pity. He looked like he wanted to apologize, to say something, but he knew that wouldn't make up for it. The boys eyes were tearing. The teens look of sorrow didn't last long though, as the man with the gun had thrown him against glass divider, shattering it. Nico didn't care if he was alright. He could burn in the depths of Tartarus for all he cared. Nico kissed Bianca's forehead and embraced her in a hug, her blood soaking his shirt. A shudder ran through Bianca's body and she went limp. Nico opened his palm, it was a mythomagic statue of Hades, the only statue to his card game he didn't have.

And he never was the same again.

The rest of that day was a blur. The police arriving, getting the captor to release the small group of survivors. The ambulances coming. Almost everyone got shot. Some died, others didn't.

"Nico?" A soft voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"What?" Nico snapped at his younger half-sister, Hazel.

"D-dad and I are worried about you," she said shakily, taken aback by her half-brothers outlash. "Nico, it's been a year, you can't just keep coming out for the bare necessities."

"Oh, yeah! Just a year! Just a year since my life was ruined!" 

"Nico!" She said, angry. "I was there too! It's not all about you! I still have nightmares, okay! I can only imagine for the others!" She said breaking into a sob. 

"I heard ones a mute, and others can't sleep, one can't see even the tiniest amount of blood without having a mental breakdown!" She was crying now, filled with pity for the other hostages of the horrific event that took place a year before.

Hostage: A Percy Jackson AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя