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230 string were rusty inside a piano

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

230 string were rusty inside a piano. The piano was covered in dust and needed to be fixed inside and needed new strings Claire Bertrand from Pairs, France was a piano technician restorer. She was brought to Gaze to fix a piano. She is greeting funded by the Music Fund and by the conductor, Daniel Barenboim to save music in Gaza, just fixing the last grand piano in Gaze. Everything was dead in the piano. "This is not a piano." But Claire believes every piano has a personality.

The piano was to believe it come form Japan, but some say it was a gift for the Japanese government to the Palestinian Authority. She worked in a near by wedding hall away from the Nawras Theatre in northern Gaza where the piano was find. The theatre was half destroyed. It was destroyed by a rocket. It left half of a roof over the theatre. The theatre use to hold music, and comedy shows but the theatre was ruined and abandoned

The another rocket also hit a leisure center and a restaurant. The owner was very sad as he spent alot of money and lost it. It was his dream. The leisure center and restaurant only last for a year.

In Gaza is next to Egypt on the southwest. In 2007 after 2006 elections- a fighting between Hamas and Fatah. Hamas won but there was still issues. 697 rockets and 822 mortar bombs were fired at Israeli towns. Soon after a fench was built over the border of GAZA to Egypt. War was over but bombing comes in to GAZA by Israel every so often

Music may not bring love ones back, who have died in the bombing of GAZA but it can back people feel better. An community with talented young people in Gaze are being teached how to play instruments. The young people were being teached by the only professor music teacher in whole of Gaze. The subject of Art is not accept in Gaze like it is in UK. There is only one music school in Gaze. The music school of young people was hiding from the public inside the headquarters of the Palestinian Red Crescent. In Gaze, if you book an event and prepare a concert with the council, the show may go ahead but the show may get cancelled at the late min. This could be due bombs near by, attack coming in, guns outside the show or someone has died. Music event are rare in Gaze. All the young people have lived through 3 was.

Back to the Grand piano, which took more than 4 days to fix; Claire didn't give up. She believe every piano has a soul. With no blue prints to help her to go by to restore the piano in a country of bombs. Every new key note she put in she had to just listening throw her ear. It took her 10 days to fix the only Central Grand piano in GAZA. Claire marched the piano, instated 230 new strings, 88 new hammers and felts. The first person to play the grand piano was a young teenage girl. She played in the wedding hall in Gaza. 

A true story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32042375

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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The last piano in GAZANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ