More of a Chaser

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Notes: Inspired from the quidditch reference in the movie when Newt says I'm more of a chaser. Aaah I do hope he really was a chaser at Hogwarts. I'm not particularly good at writing and describing about quidditch so I skipped most of that part sorry about that, but I did try. Let me know what you think (:

Warnings: None, just Newt being a shy smol bean.

'This is it.' The Hufflepuff boy thought as he, along with a few of his housemates, entered the quidditch pitch. It was a surprisingly sunny day with a few clouds here and there floating in the sky. Perfect day for a nice stroll on Hogwarts grounds for Newt, but not today. Today was the tryouts for the Hufflepuff quidditch team and he'd be damned to miss it.

In his 5th year, last year, he missed the tryouts because he was late. Scamander was too busy in the library trying to learn about new creatures that he had forgotten, and when he did remember it was too late. This year he made sure not to get distracted and be on time...and possibly a bit early.

You see, this year, he was aiming to impress someone. Someone he doubted would ever look his way, but maybe she will today. His eyes scanned the benches trying to locate the girl. She would be sitting with her Ravenclaw housemates, checking the new additions of the Hufflepuff team.

Gwendolyn Storm was a keeper, a dark haired, brown eyed keeper of the Ravenclaw team. She attended every tryouts to check out the competition. Her teammates didn't see the Badgers as threats and they weren't the only team to think so. However, Gwen believed to never underestimate anyone, they might surprise you.

"This is a waste of time." A Ravenclaw chaser muttered.

Gwen shot him a glare. "It's not like you have anything better to do, Edmund."

"I guess we'll have a laugh since we're here."

The team captain rolled his eyes then looked back sternly at his team. "If we want to win the cup then we have to see our competition. Even if it is one of the weaker teams, no exceptions, understood?"

Everyone looked away in embarrassment. They would shut their mouths for now, but the sniggering and snide remarks will soon begin once the tryouts started.

The dark haired keeper looked back at the Hufflepuffs and her eyes spotted a familiar cinnamon haired boy. Newt Scamander. She didn't know him all that well, they only had Charms and Potions together. He was always quiet and reserved and hanging out with Leta Lestrange. They were an odd couple, she couldn't see why they were close friends.

Even though she didn't know him all that well, she knew that he was a sweet boy. He had helped her once in Potions, she was struggling to figure out the ingredients of a certain draught. Her potions partner was no help, but thankfully Newt noticed her frustration and came to her aid.

Gwen was thankful yet confused at his actions. How did he know she needed help? Was he watching her or did he happen to notice her struggle when he went to grab some ingredients?

"Beast boy's trying out as chaser?"

"This ought to be good."

"Reckon he's here to impress the Lestrange girl?"

"He'll fall off his broom the minute he starts flying."

Newt could hear the remarks loud and clear, but he had gotten used to it. This time he was going to prove them wrong. He eventually found the girl he was searching for. The boy was surprised to find the Ravenclaw giving him an encouraging smile. Shyly he returned the smile and looked away embarrassed for having been caught staring at her.

'She smiled at me'

His cheeks flushed at the thought and it was just the amount of coaxing he needed to get through the trials.

It was his turn.

All eyes were on him, most of them just waiting for him to mess up ans fall flat on the ground, but two pairs of eyes were supporting him. He knew Leta was also sitting on the benches.

Taking a deep breath, Newt's grip tightened on the broom as he took flight. He was nervous, extremely nervous. His heart was beating against his chest rapidly as the quaffle was thrown towards him. Thankfully he caught it with his slightly trembling hand. He had to dodge the beaters and chasers to get to the three goal hoops and the keeper that's guarding it.

Gwendolyn watched Newt maneuver his broom with quaffle in hand and successfully dodge the bludgers heading his way. She held her breath as one bludger was inches away from his head, but he ducked just in time.

Reaching the goal hoops, Newt aimed the quaffle at one of them, but the keeper managed to block it. He still had two more chances, it wasn't over yet. He tried again and managed to trick the keeper and score.

"Well, I'll be..."

Not able to control herself, Gwen started clapping impressed by his skills. The third time, he also managed to score with ease before landing on the soft grass.

The Ravenclaw was grinning at the ginger as he looked up to see her reaction. Her teammates were in shock at his performance, he could tell by their silence and lack of nasty comments. She stayed till the trials were over before she could approach Newt.

Leaving her team behind, Gwen walked up to him and Leta...Apparently, she never left his side. She was hoping to catch a moment alone with him. The Hufflepuff noticing her waiting not from where he stood, turned to his best friend and said "I'll just be a moment."

"I didn't know you were interested in Quidditch, let alone be able to play." She said with a small smile.

Newt wasn't sure if she was making fun of him or was it genuinely a compliment. Soon after she added "You were really good. Being a chaser suits you."

He started to blush at the compliment he wasn't expecting and rubbed the back of his neck nervously looking anywhere but her pale face. "T-Thank you."

"Although, with that amount of skills you could easily play as a seeker."

"I'm more of a chaser, really." He responded this time looking at her. Feeling a surge of confidence suddenly he said "Suppose you better watch out for me then." Then the moment was gone and he muttered. "I-If I m-make the team, that is."

Gwen giggled at his shyness and gently placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "I'm sure you will." Her soft hand lingered a bit too long as both of their faces started to grow red. She let go of him and placed a fallen strand of her hair behind her ear.

Both stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say next. Gwen hesitated to say what was on her mind, but her lips were already moving as the words were coming out. "I shouldn't be doing this, but maybe I can give you some tips?"

Newt stunned by her offer shook his head. "No, I couldn't possibly ask you of that. Won't you get in trouble?" He didn't want her to be in trouble because of him.

She didn't really have to give him any tips, it was just an excuse to spend some time with him. It was the only thing she found they had in common. "What my captain doesn't know won't kill him. And erm maybe you can tell me about the magical creatures? I'm not too familiar with them, but I'm quite interested to learn about them."

Saying that Newt was happy would be an understatement. He was ecstatic! His stomach fluttered from excitement and his face was beaming. He nodded profusely getting red in the face yet again.

"Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed then stopped embarrassed for seeming to eager. "I mean I would be happy to if you'd like."

"Yes very much so." She said and gave him a smile that warmed his heart. "Till then." The girl bid him farewell and started to walk away. If she had turned back, she would have an awe-struck Newt watching her walk away with his eyes filled with adoration.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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