Faking Human

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Have you ever forgotten something so important that you're not sure how you've forgotten it? Like a person, a memory, a gift, anything like that?

I have.

And I can't remember what I've forgotten. It's a vital piece of me. So very important to me, and I don't know what it is. I couldn't tell you even if it jumped up and slapped me across the face. But I know it's important, because if it wasn't, I wouldn't have this nagging feeling in the back of my head.

There's one image I see though, when I really concentrate on what I've forgotten. It's a man. He's tall, good looking, but he's never the same man twice. Some times he's old, others he's young. How do I know it's the same man? Because his eyes are the same, old and young at the same time. And he always knows my name. He whispers it every time I see his face in my mind.

"Sabryna... Remember me. Sabryna!"

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